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ANN ARBOR, Michigan — When researchers at the University of Michigan Rogel Cancer Center first identified a new subtype of aggressive prostate cancer, they knew they needed to understand how this genetic alteration was driving cancer and how to target it with treatment. In two new papers, both published in Cell Reports Medicine, they...
Cologne, Germany – Pulmonary carcinoids are rare tumours of the lung with extremely different clinical courses. In many patients, they behave like benign tumours; surgical removal of the tumour leads to a complete cure. However, some patients experience aggressive growth and spread (metastasis) of the tumour with poor chances of...
Lancaster, UK – An international team of researchers led by Lancaster University have made a promising breakthrough in the development of drugs to treat Alzheimer’s Disease. For the first time, scientists have developed a drug that works on both major aggregation-promoting ‘hotspots’ of the Tau protein in the brain –...