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Solna, Sweden – Using advanced methodology, scientists in Sweden were able to reveal at the cellular level how lesions in multiple sclerosis develop. The new results are presented in the journal Cell by researchers from Karolinska Institutet and Stockholm University. Over 1,8 million people worldwide are diagnosed with multiple sclerosis,...
  Milwaukee, Wis. – There is nothing magic about the recent increase in interest around the study of psychedelic drugs as potential treatments for patients suffering from a myriad of mental health conditions. “The excitement follows the science,” says John McCorvy, PhD, assistant professor of cell biology, neurobiology and anatomy...
Ann Arbor, Mich. – Blood clots and pregnancy loss are commonly recognized features of antiphospholipid syndrome, but thrombocytopenia is the third most prevalent symptom, impacting up to half of antiphospholipid syndrome patients. Thrombocytopenia is characterized by lower than normal platelets in the blood. Platelets are small cell fragments that play...
Seattle, Washington – Prostate cancer stands as a prevalent threat to men’s health, ranking second in cancer-related deaths in the United States. Each year, approximately 250,000 men in the U.S. receive a prostate cancer diagnosis. While most cases have low morbidity and mortality rates, a subset of cases demands aggressive...
Beijing, China – Researchers from the Institute of Process Engineering (IPE) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and Beijing Chaoyang Hospital have developed a new “pseudo cell” formulation based on self-healing microcapsule-loading exosomes to treat diverse vitreoretinal diseases. Vitreoretinal diseases include a wide spectrum of vision-threatening disorders, which may cause...
Plymouth, England – Scientists have developed a potentially transformative new technique that could aid in the discovery and development of new therapeutics for a number of globally prevalent autoimmune diseases. Conditions such as lupus, rheumatoid arthritis and inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) – as well as failures within transplanted cells –...