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Barcelona, Spain – Researchers from Germans Trias i Pujol Research Institute (IGTP) and Ahead Therapeutics SL have been exploring a treatment based on liposome-type nanoparticles to address the autoimmunity of type 1 diabetes for years. A study recently published in the Journal of Autoimmunity examines the response of macrophages to this immunotherapy,...
Stockholm, Sweden – The aim is to create an invaluable resource for researchers worldwide to increase knowledge about human health and disease. The study is published in Genome Biology. Simultaneous measurement of numerous biomolecular variables, known as multi-omics, enables deep and comprehensive profiling of human biology. The new Single Cell...
Munich, Germany – Researchers at LMU Munich have shown that sleep enhances the migratory potential of T cells toward lymph nodes. Sleep is healthy – this popular knowledge is backed by science. Previous research had already shown that in people who slept after a vaccination, the immune response was twice...
Lafayette, Indiana – For the first time, Purdue researchers prove that measuring mechanical motions in living cancer tissues is a viable and promising approach for predicting chemoresistance Chemotherapy can save lives, but often a cancer patient may be resistant to their prescribed chemotherapy, which costs the patient valuable time. Chemoresistance...