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CHICAGO, IL – Many cancers caused by the mutation of the BRAF gene respond well to a class of immunotherapies known as BRAF-inhibitors. BRAF-mutated colorectal cancer, however, almost never does. Doctors have known this for years, but they are yet to find a treatment that works well for most patients....
SINGAPORE – Scientists from Duke-NUS Medical School (Duke-NUS) and their collaborators have come up with new methods to cultivate brain cells from stem cells to treat and study neurodegenerative diseases. This novel technology forms the basis of two recent research projects under the newly established GK Goh Centre for Neuroscience...
Seoul, South Korea – Diabetes mellitus and sarcopenia pose a substantial challenge to public health, especially among the elderly. These conditions share common pathophysiological mechanism and are linked bidirectionally, with each contributing to an increased risk of the other. Previous research has shown that both diabetes and sarcopenia are individually...
Short-term treatment with the drug ruxolitinib prevents B-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia (B-ALL) in mice that have a genetic predisposition to the disease. St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital and the Cancer Research Center in Salamanca, Spain, led the research. The findings appear today in Cancer Research. The work provides the first evidence in an...
Boston, Massachusetts – The Neuroendocrine Tumor Research Foundation celebrates a significant milestone in cancer therapy: a first-in-human CAR T cell therapy clinical trial for neuroendocrine tumors (NETs) will open in 2024. NETRF supported the early-stage, preclinical research that led to the development of this therapy. Chimeric Therapeutics, an Australian leader...
A research in mice has demonstrated how tangles of a so-called tau protein can spread within the brain. Tangled masses of that tau protein contribute to several neurodegenerative diseases – those that destroy brain functions – including Alzheimer’s disease. The research has provided insights into how tau tangles spread that...
HOUSTON, Texas  –  Diagnosing rare Mendelian disorders is a labor-intensive task, even for experienced geneticists. Investigators at Baylor College of Medicine are trying to make the process more efficient using artificial intelligence. The team developed a machine learning system called AI-MARRVEL (AIM) to help prioritize potentially causative variants for Mendelian...
Berlin, Germany – When certain connections in the brain do not function correctly, disorders such as Parkinson’s disease, dystonia, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), and Tourette’s syndrome may result. Targeted stimulation of specific areas in the brain can help alleviate symptoms. To pinpoint the exact therapeutic target areas of the brain, a...