Hypercalciuria- childhood idiopathic


A rare disorder occurring in children for no detectable reason where excess calcium is excreted through the urine resulting in the development of stones in the urinary tract.


* Urinary tract stone formation * Blood in urine * Urinary tract infections * Impaired ability to concentrate urine * Enuresis


❑ inadequate intake of calcium and vitamin D, in which inadequate levels of vitamin D inhibit intestinal absorption of calcium ❑ hypoparathyroidism as a result of injury, disease, or surgery that decreases or eliminates secretion of parathyroid hormone (PTH), which is necessary for calcium absorption and normal serum calcium levels ❑ malabsorption or loss of calcium from the GI tract, caused by increased intestinal motility from severe diarrhea or laxative abuse; can also result from inadequate levels of vitamin D or PTH, or a reduction in gastric acidity, decreasing the solubility of calcium salts ❑ severe infections or burns, in which diseased and burned tissue traps calcium from the extracellular fluid ❑ overcorrection of acidosis, resulting in alkalosis, which causes decreased ionized calcium and induces symptoms of hypocalcemia ❑ pancreatic insufficiency, which may cause malabsorption of calcium and subsequent calcium loss in feces. In pancreatitis, participation of calcium ions in saponification contributes to calcium loss ❑ renal failure, resulting in excessive excretion of calcium secondary to increased retention of phosphate ❑ hypomagnesemia, which causes decreased PTH secretion and blocks the peripheral action of that hormone.


The signs and symptom information on this page attempts to provide a list of some possible signs and symptoms of Hypercalciuria, childhood idiopathic. This medical information about signs and symptoms for Hypercalciuria, childhood idiopathic has been gathered from various sources, may not be fully accurate, and may not be the full list of Hypercalciuria, childhood idiopathic signs or Hypercalciuria, childhood idiopathic symptoms. Furthermore, signs and symptoms of Hypercalciuria, childhood idiopathic may vary on an individual basis for each patient. Only your doctor can provide adequate diagnosis of any signs or symptoms and whether they are indeed Hypercalciuria, childhood idiopathic symptoms.