Pathophysiology of Fallopian Tube Cancer

Fallopian tube cancer develops in the tubes that connect a woman’s ovaries and uterus. It is very rare and accounts for only 1-2% of all gynecological cancers. 

Fallopian tube cancer occurs when normal cells in one or both tubes change and grow in an uncontrolled way, forming a mass called a tumor. Cancer can begin in any of the different cell types that make up the fallopian tubes. The most common type is called adenocarcinoma (a cancer of cells from glands). Leiomyosarcoma (a cancer of smooth muscle cells) and transitional cell carcinoma (a cancer of the cells lining the fallopian tubes) are more rare. 

While some fallopian tube cancers actually begin in the tubes themselves, fallopian tube cancer is more often the result of cancer spreading from other parts of the body to the tubes.