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Salt Lake City, Utah – Scientists at Huntsman Cancer Institute at the University of Utah (the U), the National Cancer Institute-designated cancer center for the Mountain West, have made a significant breakthrough in predicting the prognosis of triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC), a particularly aggressive disease. Their research, published in JCO...
Zurich, Switzerland – CRISPR-Cas systems, which consist of protein and RNA components, originally developed as a natural defense mechanism of bacteria to fend off intruding viruses. Over the last decade, re-engineering these so-called “gene scissors” has revolutionized genetic engineering in science and medicine. The tools can be programmed to find...
Jerusalem, Israel – Professor Asaf Hellman and his research team at the Hebrew University-Hadassah Medical School have unveiled new findings in the realm of methylation-directed regulatory networks. Their study sheds light on the mechanisms governing the activation and suppression of mutation-driven disease genes, particularly in cases like glioblastoma, offering insights...