Marvel Biosciences Announces Positive Interim Results for Autism Treatment with MB-204

Calgary, Alberta – Marvel Biosciences Corp., and its wholly owned subsidiary, Marvel Biotechnology Inc., today reported promising interim results from its study on MB-204, a new treatment for autism, conducted by the iBraiN Inserm Lab in Tours, France. The study demonstrated that a single oral dose of MB-204 can restore social interaction behaviors to normal levels in autism model mice, with notable improvements in cognitive function, an advancement that could signify a pivotal shift in autism therapy.

In collaboration with Dr. Julie Le Merrer and Dr. Jerome Becker, the study investigated the effects of MB-204 on socialization and cognition in the Oprm1 mouse model of autism. Results have been very promising: MB-204 not only fully restored social deficits at a single oral dose as low as 1 mg/kg but also enhanced certain social behaviors beyond normal levels at a 2.5 mg/kg oral dose. These unexpected findings indicate a substantial potential of MB-204 to address the core symptoms of autism.

“The interim data we’ve seen is not just promising; it could offer a totally novel approach to treating autism,” said Dr Julie Le Merrer. “The capacity of MB-204 to normalize behavior in animal models of autism supports our theory about the A2a receptor’s influence on social interactivity. We’re eager to validate these results with further testing and robust statistical analysis, which is already underway and expected to conclude in the coming months.”

“We are very grateful for this opportunity to collaborate with the group that made the connection between autism and the A2a receptor,” said Dr. Mark Williams CSO of Marvel Biosciences. “We have also seen a single oral dose can have an immediate effect in depression in mice, but to see an immediate effect after one dose in autism is remarkable. We look forward to completing the current study and then testing MB-204 in other models of autism.”


About Marvel Biosciences Corp.

Marvel Biosciences Corp., and its wholly owned subsidiary, Marvel Biotechnology Inc., is a Calgary-based pre-clinical stage pharmaceutical development biotechnology company that utilizes a “drug redevelopment” approach to drug development. Historically, when a new class of drug is developed, it is optimized for a particular target, but typically only approved for a specific disease. Often, a new disease is identified which involves the same target, however, pending the remaining patent life, the originally approved drug may not have sufficient time left for it to be commercially viable to be developed for the new disease indication. Marvel develops new synthetic chemical derivatives of the original approved drug for the new disease indication. Patent protection is sought, as the new potential asset is developed by the Company. The Company believes the business model results in significantly less risk, cost and time to develop its assets compared to traditional biotechnology companies.

Marvel Biotechnology Inc. has currently developed several new chemical entities, using synthetic chemical derivatives of known, off-patent drugs, that inhibit the A2a adenosine receptor with application to neurological diseases (depression & anxiety, Alzheimer’s, ADHD), and the non-neurological conditions of cancer and non-alcoholic steatohepatitis. Marvel is also exploring additional undisclosed targets to expand its asset pipeline.


Contact Information

Marvel Biosciences Corp.
J. Roderick (Rod) Matheson, Chief Executive Officer or
Dr. Mark Williams, President and Chief Science Officer
Tel: 403 770 2469