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Rare diseases can’t wait. Rather than sit on the sidelines, many patients are taking the initiative to do what they can to accelerate the diagnostic process, improve understanding of their disease and spark research into potential therapies. The 2023 NEXT Report from nonprofit advocacy group, Global Genes, shares stories of...
Northwestern Medicine scientists have discovered a new biomarker to identify which patients with brain tumors called glioblastomas — the most common and malignant of primary brain tumors — might benefit from immunotherapy. The treatment could extend survival for an estimated 20% to 30% of patients. Currently, patients with glioblastoma do not...
WHITBY — It’s been only a year since Katie Sutherland lay in a hospital bed clinging to life, but the Whitby teen is getting ready to compete in an international sports competition. Katie, 16, underwent a double lung transplant last year and since then has been building her strength back...
Gene-targeted therapies have the potential to revolutionize medicine through treatments that modify or replace disease-causing genes with healthy variants. Gene therapy commonly involves using a modified virus to deliver the healthy genes into a patient’s cells. Once there, the new genetic material instructs the cell to produce the missing or...
NEW YORK — Incorporating whole-genome sequencing into healthcare around Stockholm has enabled more than 1,000 people with a rare disease to receive a molecular diagnosis, a new study has found. The Karolinska University Hospital and the Science for Life Laboratory (SciLifeLab) launched the Genomic Medicine Center Karolinska-Rare Disease (GMCK-RD), an...
A streamlined whole-genome sequencing approach can provide rapid and accurate genomic profiling for acute myeloid leukemia (AML) or myelodysplastic syndromes, according to a study published in the March 11 issue of the New England Journal of Medicine. Eric J. Duncavage, M.D., from the Washington University School of Medicine in St....
Arlington, Texas – A multi-institutional study co-authored by University of Texas at Arlington scientists uncovered a mechanism by which cancer cells prevent the immune system from activating and attacking the cancerous invaders. The study, published in the peer-reviewed journal Cell Reports, sheds light on why immunotherapy treatments don’t work for all...