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It was only dumb luck that Jason Morgan found out about his illness. He experienced frequent muscle pain but without any remedy. Years of tests, blood draws, and unanswered questions only yielded an answer after Morgan’s doctor connected the dots between his mother and his aunt. He had Burton Muscular...
There are more than 7,000 rare diseases identified in the world today. While “rare” means that less than 200,000 people in the US are affected, to suffer from a rare disease is not actually rare at all. Around 10% of the American population suffers from a rare disease. A shocking...
When we think about common diseases or health conditions, diabetes, heart diseases and the likes top the list. Rare Disease Day, which falls on the last day of February, is all about raising awareness for rare diseases. This year, February 28 will see people raising awareness about diseases that aren’t...
Globally coordinated by The European Organization for Rare Diseases (EURORDIS), and over 65 national alliance patient organisation partners, Rare Disease Day aims to increase awareness and promote necessary changes for the 300 million people worldwide living with a rare disease. Over 600 events will be taking place this year in...
For much of my life, I couldn’t imagine a better world for those of us with disabilities, rare diseases, and chronic conditions. I just wasn’t thinking about the disability rights movement. I didn’t feel like I fit into what I had perceived as “disabled,” and I didn’t really want to....
Manila, Philippines — Healthcare stakeholders and advocates have lamented that the funding for implementing Republic Act 10747 or the Rare Disease Act remained “inadequate.” The remark was made during a forum on Wednesday titled “Sustaining Gains and Balancing Priorities: Implementation of the Rare Disease Act,” organized by the Stratbase Group,...
At the PDA Annual Meeting this week in New Orleans, attendees had the chance to hear from EveryLife Foundation executive director and leader of a number successful initiatives, Julia Jenkins, on the economic impact of rare disease in the U.S. and Kelly Baker, a member of the Young Adult Rare...