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NEW YORK – Hoth Therapeutics, Inc. (NASDAQ: HOTH), a biopharmaceutical company, today announced it has executed an agreement with REPROCELL Ltd., a contract research organization (CRO), providing a unique combination of products and services to power translational research, to assess the effect of the HT-003 therapeutic platform on tissue from ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease patients. Fresh...
WASHINGTON — The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Malaria is currently facing a major financing shortfall. While the Foreign Operations subcommittee provided a welcome increase over the President’s request, today’s markup suggests that the U.S. is going to fall far short of its commitment to fund fully its...
L-Asparaginase is one of the key drugs used to treat children with acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL). However, some children fail to achieve therapeutic levels of L-asparaginase after receiving the drug. The mechanisms underlying such therapeutic failure are not well defined. But now, Vaskar Saha and colleagues, at the Paterson Institute...
Cambridge, Mass. – A rare but potent genetic mutation that alters a protein in the brain’s immune cells, known as microglia, can give people as much as a three-fold greater risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease. A new study by researchers in The Picower Institute for Learning and Memory at MIT...
NEW YORK – A Ludwig Cancer Research study has found that the circadian clock—which synchronizes physiological and cellular activities with the day-night cycle and is generally thought to be tumor suppressive—in fact has a contextually variable role in cancer. “A lot of evidence suggests that the biological clock is broken...
Collectively rare diseases are anything but rare – they impact 30 million people in the US and ten times that amount globally. And 1 in 3 children suffering from a rare disease will not survive beyond the age of five. One of the biggest challenges facing clinicians is making a...
Raleigh, North Carolina – A canine gallbladder disease that involves the accumulation of abnormal mucus similar to that seen in human cystic fibrosis (CF) patients is caused by improper expression of the gene associated with CF in humans. The finding could have implications for human CF patients as well as...