treatment News

Vienna, Austria – A research team led by Georg Stary (Medical University of Vienna and CeMM) has identified a new approach to treating the inflammatory disease sarcoidosis. In a clinical study, the inhibition of a specific signaling pathway showed clear success in the treatment of granulomas in the skin. This...
WALTHAM, Mass. — Decision Resources, one of the world’s leading research and advisory firms for pharmaceutical and healthcare issues, finds that the launch and uptake of new anti-amyloid monoclonal antibodies, most notably Elan/Wyeth’s bapineuzumab and Eli Lilly’s solanezumab, will be the main driver of robust 11 percent annual growth from...
Trondheim, Norway – A lot of research has been done over many decades on diseases that are widespread in large parts of the population, such as cancer and heart disease. As a result, treatment methods have improved enormously thanks to long-term research efforts on diseases that affect many people. However,...
A multicenter research team has announced encouraging results for an experimental therapy using elements of the body’s immune system to improve cure rates for children with neuroblastoma, a challenging cancer of the nervous system. John M. Maris, M.D., chief of Oncology at The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, co-authored the phase...
PHILADELPHIA — A multicenter research team has announced encouraging results for an experimental therapy using elements of the body’s immune system to improve cure rates for children with neuroblastoma, a challenging cancer of the nervous system. John M. Maris, M.D., chief of Oncology at The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, co-authored...
SINGAPORE – SINGAPORE patients with an aggressive form of lung cancer (metastatic small cell lung cancer) can now access a new therapy that may improve outcomes. The drug ZEPZELCA (lurbinectedin) has been provisionally approved by Singapore’s Health Sciences Authority (HSA) “for the treatment of adult patients with metastatic small cell lung cancer (SCLC) who have...
Arlington, Texas –  About 55 million people worldwide are living with dementia, according to the World Health Organization. The most common form is Alzheimer’s disease, an incurable condition that causes brain function to deteriorate. In addition to its physical effects, Alzheimer’s causes psychological, social and economic ramifications not only for...
SEOUL, South Korea and BANDUNG, Indonesia — The International Vaccine Institute (IVI), an international organization with a mission to discover, develop, and deliver safe, effective, and affordable vaccines for global health, and Bio Farma, a biotechnology company based in West Java, Indonesia, announced today that Bio Farma’s Bio-TCV® typhoid conjugate...