Tuberous sclerosis- type 1
A rare genetic disorder with a variety of abnormalities such as seizures, mental retardation, skin lesions and nodules in various body tissues and organs.
* White leaf-shaped skin spots * Seizures * Mental retardation * Facial angiofibromas * Red nodular butterfly-shaped facial rash * Learning disorder * Behavioral disorder * Shagreen patches on lower back * Retinal problems * Rhabdomyoma of the heart * Skin lesions * Brain nodules * Retinal nodules * Heart nodules * Kidney nodules * Lung nodules * Skeletal cysts * Patches of skin lacking pigmentation * Café au lait spots * Fibromas under nails * Fibromas around nails
The signs and symptom information on this page attempts to provide a list of some possible signs and symptoms of Tuberous sclerosis, type 1. This medical information about signs and symptoms for Tuberous sclerosis, type 1 has been gathered from various sources, may not be fully accurate, and may not be the full list of Tuberous sclerosis, type 1 signs or Tuberous sclerosis, type 1 symptoms. Furthermore, signs and symptoms of Tuberous sclerosis, type 1 may vary on an individual basis for each patient. Only your doctor can provide adequate diagnosis of any signs or symptoms and whether they are indeed Tuberous sclerosis, type 1 symptoms.