Thalamic syndrome


Thalamic syndrome (or thalamic pain syndrome) is a condition that can be associated with inadequate blood supply from the posterior cerebral artery.Thalamic Syndrome (Dejerine-Roussy) is a rare neurological disorder in which the body becomes hypersensitive to pain as a result of damage to the thalamus, a part of the brain that affects sensation. The thalamus has been described as the brain’s sensory relay station. Primary symptoms are pain and loss of sensation, usually in the face, arms, and/or legs. Pain or discomfort may be felt after being mildly touched or even in the absence of a stimulus. The pain associated with thalamic syndrome may be made worse by exposure to heat or cold and by emotional distress. Sometimes, this may include even such emotions as those brought on by listening to music.


Loss of sensation on one side of body Thalamic hyperpathia Hemiataxia Choreoathetoid movements Speaking difficulty


Vocal cord damage Throat damage Transient ischemic attack Stroke Brain tumor Brain cancer Brain abscess