Sugarman syndrome
A rare genetic disorder characterized by oral frenula, oral clefts, underdeveloped nose flapss and finger, teeth and eye abnormalities.
* Extra little fingers * Extra little toes * Excess mouth frenuli * Enlarged mouth frenuli * Multiple mouth frenuli * Cleft lip * Tongue split in two * Nodules on tongue * Alveolar ridge cleft * Dental caries * Abnormal front teeth * Underdeveloped nose cartilage * Lateral displacement of inner eye corners * Milia of ears during infancy * Milia of upper face during infancy * Asymmetric finger shortening * Asymmetric toe shortening * Inward curving fifth finger * Joined fingers * Bulbous nose * Extra small teeth * Macular red spots * Myoclonic jerks * See-saw winking of eyelids * Shortened hands * Dry hair * Rough hair * Sparse hair * Dry scalp * Mental deficiency * Brain malformation * Absence of corpus callosum of the brain * Malposition of gray matter of the brain * Sloping forehead * Adult polycystic kidney disease
* High Cholesterol Testing: - Cholesterol Tests - Triglycerides Tests - Blood Pressure Tests * High Blood Pressure Testing - Blood Pressure Monitors - Heart Tests * Heart Health Testing: - Heart Rate Monitors - Irregular Heartbeat Detection - Heart Electrocardiogram (ECG) * Thyroid Testing: - Thyroid Function Tests - TSH Tests - Adrenal Function Tests * Diet & Weight Loss Testing: - Weight Testing - Body Fat Testing (BMI) - Body Fat Monitoring - Fitness Testing * Diabetes: Related Testing: - Diabetes Tests - Blood Glucose Tests - Urine Glucose Tests - Urine Ketone Tests - Diabetes HbA1c Tests - Microalbumin Tests (Kidney) - Urine Protein Tests (Kidney) - Kidney Tests - Eye Tests