

Splenomegaly is an enlargement of the spleen beyond its normal size.


* Inability to eat a large meal * Pain on the upper left side of the abdomen * Hiccups


Common Causes: * Infections o Bacterial infections o Cat scratch disease o Infectious mononucleosis (EBV or CMV) o Other viral infections o Parasitic infections * Diseases involving the liver o Biliary atresia o Cirrhosis (alcoholic cirrhosis, portal vein obstruction, portal hypertension) o Cystic fibrosis o Sclerosing cholangitis * Hemolytic anemias o Hemoglobinopathies o Hemolytic anemia due to G6PD deficiency o Idiopathic autoimmune hemolytic anemia o Immune hemolytic anemia o Thalassemia * Cancer o Hodgkin's disease o Leukemia o Lymphoma * Other causes o Felty syndrome o Sarcoidosis o Sickle cell splenic crisis


Splenomegaly is usually detected during a physical examination by a health care provider. A detailed examination of the abdomen will probably be performed. Diagnostic tests may be required, including: 1. Blood tests such as a CBC 2. Tests for suspected causes 3. Abdominal film or CT scan


Home Care: Appropriate limitation of activity, including avoiding contact sports, will help prevent trauma that might cause the spleen to rupture. Care will be required for the specific condition causing the splenomegaly. Follow the instructions given by your health care provider regarding appropriate care. Call your health care provider if: Although often there are no symptoms from an enlarged spleen, you may experience pain in the left upper section of your abdomen. You should seek attention from your doctor right away if it is severe or gets worse when you take a deep breath. What to expect at your health care provider's office: The physician will ask a series of questions to determine if you have symptoms either from the enlarged spleen or the underlying cause of the large spleen, such as fever or signs of an infectious disease. The doctor will also perform a thorough exam of your abdomen. To check for an enlarged spleen, he or she will percuss (tap) along the left upper quadrant of your abdomen and palpate (feel) in that same area, especially just under the rib cage. Diagnostic tests may be required, including: * Abdominal x-ray or CT scan * Blood tests such as a CBC and tests of your liver function * Tests for suspected causes