Short rib-polydactyly syndrome- Saldino-Noonan type


Short rib-polydactyly syndrome, Saldino-Noonan type: A rare genetic disorder characterized by short stature, bone formation abnormalities, heart defects and other deformities.


The list of signs and symptoms mentioned in various sources for Short rib-polydactyly syndrome, Saldino-Noonan type includes the 25 symptoms listed below: * Short stature * Short limbs * Extra fingers * Extra toes * Syndactyly * Metaphyseal irregularities of long bones * Spurs on long bones * Underossified finger bones * Underossified toe bones * Short ribs * Horizontal ribs * Notch-like ossification defects around edge of vertebral bodies * Small iliac bones * Horizontal acetabular roof * Triangular ossification defect above acetabulum * Heart defects * Transposition of great vessels in heart * Double-outlet left ventricle * Double outlet right ventricle * Endocardial cushion defect * Underdeveloped right heart * Polycystic kidneys * Underdeveloped penis * Defects of cloacal development * Absence of anal opening Note that Short rib-polydactyly syndrome, Saldino-Noonan type symptoms usually refers to various symptoms known to a patient, but the phrase Short rib-polydactyly syndrome, Saldino-Noonan type signs may refer to those signs only noticable by a doctor.


Other Possible Causes of these Symptoms * Extra fingers * Extra toes * Heart defects * Short ribs * Short stature * Syndactyly


The signs and symptom information on this page attempts to provide a list of some possible signs and symptoms of Short rib-polydactyly syndrome, Saldino-Noonan type. This medical information about signs and symptoms for Short rib-polydactyly syndrome, Saldino-Noonan type has been gathered from various sources, may not be fully accurate, and may not be the full list of Short rib-polydactyly syndrome, Saldino-Noonan type signs or Short rib-polydactyly syndrome, Saldino-Noonan type symptoms. Furthermore, signs and symptoms of Short rib-polydactyly syndrome, Saldino-Noonan type may vary on an individual basis for each patient. Only your doctor can provide adequate diagnosis of any signs or symptoms and whether they are indeed Short rib-polydactyly syndrome, Saldino-Noonan type symptoms.