Short limb dwarfism Al Gazali type
Short limb dwarfism, Al Gazali type: A very rare lethal disorder involving severe limb shortening and other skeletal deformities.
The list of signs and symptoms mentioned in various sources for Short limb dwarfism, Al Gazali type includes the 17 symptoms listed below: * Large head * Wide front fontanel * Corneal clouding * Closed off ear canals * Very short arms * Very short legs * Dwarfism * Clubfoot * Sclerotic bones * Occipital synchondrosis * Wormian bones * Flattened vertebrae * Short finger bones * Short toe bones * Short hand bones (metacarpals) * Infant death * Stillbirth Note that Short limb dwarfism, Al Gazali type symptoms usually refers to various symptoms known to a patient, but the phrase Short limb dwarfism, Al Gazali type signs may refer to those signs only noticable by a doctor.
Other Possible Causes of these Symptoms * Clubfoot * Corneal clouding * Dwarfism * Flattened vertebrae * Infant death * Large head * Stillbirth
The signs and symptom information on this page attempts to provide a list of some possible signs and symptoms of Short limb dwarfism, Al Gazali type. This medical information about signs and symptoms for Short limb dwarfism, Al Gazali type has been gathered from various sources, may not be fully accurate, and may not be the full list of Short limb dwarfism, Al Gazali type signs or Short limb dwarfism, Al Gazali type symptoms. Furthermore, signs and symptoms of Short limb dwarfism, Al Gazali type may vary on an individual basis for each patient. Only your doctor can provide adequate diagnosis of any signs or symptoms and whether they are indeed Short limb dwarfism, Al Gazali type symptoms.