Serpentine fibula polycystic kidney syndrome
A very rare syndrome characterized mainly by unusual s-shaped calf bone (fibula) as well as the development of numerous cysts in the kidneys.
* Short stature * Abnormal calf bone shape (fibula) * Unusual facial appearance * Polycystic kidneys * Long calf bone * Large skull * Shield chest * Excessive body hair growth * Short neck * Bowed forearms * Bowed lower legs * Deafness * Full cheeks * Prominent eyes * Droopy eyelids * Small jaw * Loose joints * Small end bone on 2nd finger * Small end bone on 5th finger * Atrial septal defect * Patent ductus arteriosus * Intestinal malrotation * Ventricular septal defect * Small penis * Misplaced urethral opening in males * Kidney failure * Thick hair * High arched eyebrows * Wide set eyes * Thick eyebrows * Malposition nipples * Tooth abnormalities
* Bladder & Urinary Health: Home Testing: * Home Bladder Tests * Home Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) Tests * Home Cystitis Tests * Home Kidney Tests * Home Urine Protein Tests (Kidney Function) * Home Prostate Cancer Tests * Kidney Health: Home Testing: * Home Microalbumin Tests (Kidney) * Home Urine Protein Tests (Kidney) * Home Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) Tests