Progeria short stature pigmented nevi
A very rare inherited disorder characterized by premature aging, short stature, and immune system deficiency. The type and severity of symptoms is variable.
* Low birth weight * Growth delay * Short stature * Prematurely aged facial appearance * Colored skin lesions * Hearing impairment * Mental retardation * Primary immunodeficiency * Small head * Widely spaced eyes * Abnormal curvature of the spine * Sunken eyes * Gum disease * Oligodontia * Reduced joint mobility * Thin skin * Dry skin * Wrinkled skin * Alopecia * Recurrent respiratory infections * Undescended testes * Hypospadias * Amenorrhea * High pitched voice * Enlarged liver * Hyperlipidemia
* Colorectal Cancer Tests * Fecal Occult Bleeding Tests