Osteoarthropathy of fingers familial


A rare disorder where a disrupted blood supply to the finger bones which results in bone pain and destruction


* Finger joint pain * Limited finger movement * Fusiform enlargement of middle joints of fingers * Finger shortening * Toe shortening


Home medical testing related to Osteoarthropathy of fingers, familial: * Home Andropause Tests * Prostate Health: Home Testing: o Home Prostate Tests o Home PSA Antigen Tests o Home Testosterone Tests


The 'prognosis' of Osteoarthropathy of fingers, familial usually refers to the likely outcome of Osteoarthropathy of fingers, familial. The prognosis of Osteoarthropathy of fingers, familial may include the duration of Osteoarthropathy of fingers, familial, chances of complications of Osteoarthropathy of fingers, familial, probable outcomes, prospects for recovery, recovery period for Osteoarthropathy of fingers, familial, survival rates, death rates, and other outcome possibilities in the overall prognosis of Osteoarthropathy of fingers, familial. Naturally, such forecast issues are by their nature unpredictable.