Odontoonychodermal dysplasia


A very rare syndrome characterized mainly by tooth, nail and skin abnormalities.


* Abnormal nails * Abnormal tooth shape * Peg-shaped incisors * Red facial lesions * Thickened skin on palms


* Caput succedaneum * Cephalohematoma * Plagiocephaly (flattening on one side of the head) usually positional * Macrocephaly –Neurofibromatosis –Sotos syndrome –Achondroplasia –Robinow syndrome * Hydrocephalus (excess cerebrospinal fluid) * External hydrocephalus (benign extradural fluid collection) * Microcephaly –Autosomal dominant form –Autosomal recessive form –Cornelia de Lange syndrome –Cri-du-chat syndrome –Smith-Lemli-Opitz syndrome –Fetal alcohol syndrome