Neuroaxonal dystrophy renal tubular acidosis


Neuroaxonal dystrophy - renal tubular acidosis: A very rare syndrome characterized mainly by muscle and kidney abnormalities


The list of signs and symptoms mentioned in various sources for Neuroaxonal dystrophy - renal tubular acidosis includes the 13 symptoms listed below: * Mental retardation * Abnormal gait * Reduced reflexes * Hearing impairment * Behavioral problems * Spasticity * Reduced muscle tone * Nystagmus * Movement disorder * Kidney failure * Renal tubular defect * Short stature * Speech defect


* Abnormal gait * Behavioral problems * Hearing impairment * Kidney failure * Mental retardation * Nystagmus * Reduced muscle tone * Reduced reflexes * Short stature * Spasticity * Speech defect


Home medical tests related to Neuroaxonal dystrophy - renal tubular acidosis: * Bladder & Urinary Health: Home Testing: o Home Bladder Tests o Home Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) Tests o Home Cystitis Tests o Home Kidney Tests o Home Urine Protein Tests (Kidney Function) o Home Prostate Cancer Tests * Kidney Health: Home Testing: o Home Microalbumin Tests (Kidney) o Home Urine Protein Tests (Kidney) o Home Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) Tests