Myopathy and diabetes mellitus


A very rare syndrome characterized mainly by muscle disease and diabetes mellitus. The condition was highly variable with respect to the severity, range and onset of symptoms.


* Dysarthria * Ataxia * Fatigue * Muscle weakness * Muscle wasting * Muscle pain * Exercise intolerance * Mental retardation


* High Cholesterol Testing: - Cholesterol Tests - Triglycerides Tests - Blood Pressure Tests * High Blood Pressure Testing - Blood Pressure Monitors - Heart Tests * Heart Health Testing: - Heart Rate Monitors - Irregular Heartbeat Detection - Heart Electrocardiogram (ECG) * Thyroid: Home Testing: - Thyroid Function Tests - TSH Tests - Adrenal Function Tests * Diet & Weight Loss Testing: - Weight Testing - Body Fat Testing (BMI) - Body Fat Monitoring - Fitness Testing * Diabetes Testing: - Diabetes Tests - Blood Glucose Tests - Urine Glucose Tests - Urine Ketone Tests - Diabetes HbA1c Tests - Microalbumin Tests (Kidney) - Urine Protein Tests (Kidney) - Kidney Tests - Eye Tests