Mobius syndrome
A rare genetic condition characterized by defective cranial nerves (6th and 7th), deafness, facial nerve paralysis and other abnormalities.
* Deafness * Crossed eyes * Drooping eyelids * Weak neck muscles * Weak chest muscles * Weak tongue muscles * Difficulty chewing * Difficulty swallowing * Drooling * Lack of facial expression * Inability to smile * High palate * Cleft palate * Impaired hearing * Speech difficulties
There is no single course of medical treatment or cure for Möbius syndrome. Treatment is supportive and in accordance with symptoms. If they have difficulty nursing, infants may require feeding tubes or special bottles to maintain sufficient nutrition. Physical, occupational, and speech therapy can improve motor skills and coordination and can lead to better control of speaking and eating abilities. Often, frequent lubrication with eye drops is sufficient to combat dry eye that results from impaired blinking. Surgery can correct crossed eyes, protect the cornea via tarsorraphy), and improve limb and jaw deformities. Sometimes called "smile surgery" by the media, muscle transfers grafted from the thigh to the corners of the mouth can be performed to provide the ability to smile. Although "smile surgery" may provide the ability to smile, the procedure is complex and can take twelve hours for each side of the face. Also, the surgery cannot be considered a "cure" for Möbius syndrome, because it does not improve the ability to form other facial expressions.