Microgastria limb reduction defect
Congenital microgastria limb reduction defect: A rare syndrome characterized by micrograstia and limb reduction as well as other abnormalities.
The list of signs and symptoms mentioned in various sources for Congenital microgastria limb reduction defect includes the 25 symptoms listed below: * Microgastria * Intestinal malrotation * Radial hypoplasia * Ulna hypoplasia * Absence of thumbs * Terminal transverse defects of humerus * Phocomelia * Oliogodactyly * Spleen abnormalities * Asplenia * Hypopslenia * Splenogonadal fusion * Renal anomalies * Pelvic kidney * Renal agenesis * Cystic kidney dysplasia * Cardiac defects * Secundum atrial septal defect * Type I truncus arteriosus * Central nervous system defects * Arrhinencephaly * Fused thalami * Polymicrogyria * Agenesis of corpus callosum * Failure to thrive Note that Congenital microgastria limb reduction defect symptoms usually refers to various symptoms known to a patient, but the phrase Congenital microgastria limb reduction defect signs may refer to those signs only noticable by a doctor.
Conditions listing Congenital microgastria limb reduction defect as a symptom may also be potential underlying causes of Congenital microgastria limb reduction defect. Our database lists the following as having Congenital microgastria limb reduction defect as a symptom of that condition: Other Possible Causes of these Symptoms * Cardiac defects * Cystic kidney dysplasia * Failure to thrive * Renal anomalies
These home medical tests may be relevant to Congenital microgastria limb reduction defect: * Cold & Flu: Home Testing: o Home Fever Tests o Home Ear Infection Tests o Home Flu Tests