Microcoria- congenital


Microcoria, congenital: A very rare disorder where the muscles that dilate the pupils don't develop normally or are completely absent and the pupils have little or no ability to dilate.


The list of signs and symptoms mentioned in various sources for Microcoria, congenital includes the 3 symptoms listed below: * Small pupils * Poor pupil dilation * Absent papillary reaction to light Note that Microcoria, congenital symptoms usually refers to various symptoms known to a patient, but the phrase Microcoria, congenital signs may refer to those signs only noticable by a doctor.


Cerebrovascular arteriosclerosis Miosis is usually unilateral, depending on the site and extent of vascular damage. Other findings include visual blurring, slurred speech or possibly aphasia, loss of muscle tone, memory loss, vertigo, and a headache. TopCluster headache Ipsilateral miosis, tearing, conjunctival injection, and ptosis commonly accompany a severe cluster headache, along with facial flushing and sweating, bradycardia, restlessness, and nasal stuffiness or rhinorrhea. TopCorneal foreign body Miosis in the affected eye occurs with pain, a foreign-body sensation, slight vision loss, conjunctival injection, photophobia, and profuse tearing. TopCorneal ulcer Miosis in the affected eye appears with moderate pain, visual blurring and possibly some vision loss, and diffuse conjunctival injection. TopHorner’s syndrome Moderate miosis is common in Horner’s syndrome, a neurologic syndrome, and occurs ipsilaterally to the spinal cord lesion. Related ipsilateral findings include a sluggish pupillary reflex, slight enophthalmos, moderate ptosis, facial anhidrosis, transient conjunctival injection, and a vascular headache. When the syndrome is congenital, the iris on the affected side may appear lighter. TopHyphema Usually the result of blunt trauma, hyphema can cause miosis with moderate pain, visual blurring, diffuse conjunctival injection, and slight eyelid swelling. The eyeball may feel harder than normal. TopIritis (acute) Miosis typically occurs in the affected eye along with decreased pupillary reflex, severe eye pain, photophobia, visual blurring, conjunctival injection and, possibly, pus accumulation in the anterior chamber. The eye appears cloudy, the iris bulges, and the pupil is constricted on ophthalmic examination. TopNeuropathy Two forms of neuropathy occasionally produce Argyll Robertson pupils. With diabetic neuropathy, related effects include paresthesia and other sensory disturbances, extremity pain, orthostatic hypotension, impotence, incontinence, and leg muscle weakness and atrophy. With alcoholic neuropathy, related effects include progressive, variable muscle weakness and wasting; various sensory disturbances; and hypoactive deep tendon reflexes. TopParry-Romberg syndrome Parry-Romberg syndrome is a facial hemiatrophy that typically produces miosis, sluggish pupillary reflexes, enophthalmos, nystagmus, ptosis, and different-colored irises. TopPontine hemorrhage Bilateral miosis is characteristic, along with a rapid onset of coma, total paralysis, decerebrate posture, an absent doll’s eye sign, and a positive Babinski’s sign. TopUveitis Anterior uveitis commonly produces miosis in the affected eye, moderate to severe eye pain, severe conjunctival injection, photophobia, and pus in the anterior chamber. With posterior uveitis, miosis is accompanied by a gradual onset of eye pain, photophobia, visual floaters, visual blurring, conjunctival injection and, commonly, a distorted pupil shape.


These home medical tests may be relevant to Microcoria, congenital: * Cold & Flu: Home Testing: o Home Fever Tests o Home Ear Infection Tests o Home Flu Tests