Melanoma astrocytoma syndrome
Melanoma - astrocytoma syndrome: A rare syndrome characterized by the association of a melanoma with a type of brain tumor called an astrocytoma. The exact symptoms may vary depending on the exact location of the brain tumor. More detailed inform
* Unusual mole * Changing mole * Irregular mole * Brain tumor * Increased pressure inside skull * Headache * Changes in vision * Seizures * Vomiting * Personality changes * Dementia * Memory problems * Thinking problems * Concentration problems * Walking problems * Coordination problems * Speech problems * Balance problems * Impaired fine motor skills * Paralysis on one side of the body * Writing difficulty
Several factors seem to influence the development of melanoma: *Excessive exposure to sunlight — Melanoma is most common in sunny, warm areas and usually develops on parts of the body that are exposed to the sun. * Skin type — Most persons who develop melanoma have blond or red hair, fair skin, and blue eyes; are prone to sunburn; and are of Celtic or Scandinavian ancestry. Melanoma is rare among Blacks; when it does develop, it usually arises in lightly pigmented areas (the palms, plantar surface of the feet, or mucous membranes). * Hormonal factors — Pregnancy may increase risk and exacerbate growth. * Family history — Melanoma is slightly more common within families. * Past history of melanoma — A person who has had one melanoma is at greater risk of developing a second. Melanoma is slightly more common in women than in men and is rare in children. Peak incidence occurs between ages 50 and 70, although the incidence in younger age-groups is increasing.
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A patient with malignant melanoma requires surgical resection to remove the tumor. The extent of resection depends on the size and location of the primary lesion. Closure of a wide resection may require a skin graft. Surgical treatment may also include regional lymphadenectomy. Deep primary lesions may merit adjuvant chemotherapy and biotherapy to eliminate or reduce the number of tumor cells. Clinical trials are currently under way to evaluate the effectiveness of isolated limb perfusion as chemotherapy for the management of malignant melanomas of extremities. Radiation therapy is usually reserved for metastatic disease. It doesn't prolong survival but may reduce tumor size and relieve pain. Regardless of the treatment method, melanomas require close long-term follow-up to detect metastasis and recurrences. Statistics show that 13% of recurrences develop more than 5 years after primary surgery.