Lipoid proteinosis of Urbach and Wiethe


Lipoid proteinosis of Urbach and Wiethe: A rare congenital lipoid storage disease where lipids, carbohydrates and proteins are deposited onto blood vessel walls and other tissues. More detailed information about the symptoms, causes, and treatments of Lipoid proteinosis of Urbach and Wiethe is available below


Inability to cry Itchy eyes Hoarseness Small skin bumps Skin ulcers


* Coughing * Persistent cough * Chronic cough * Dry air - Air that is dry exacerbates hoarseness even if it doesn't directly cause it. * Laryngitis - and various causes of laryngitis Throat infection Upper respiratory infection Croup


The phrase "signs of Lipoid proteinosis of Urbach and Wiethe" should, strictly speaking, refer only to those signs and symptoms of Lipoid proteinosis of Urbach and Wiethe that are not readily apparent to the patient. The word "symptoms of Lipoid proteinosis of Urbach and Wiethe" is the more general meaning; see symptoms of Lipoid proteinosis of Urbach and Wiethe. The signs and symptom information on this page attempts to provide a list of some possible signs and symptoms of Lipoid proteinosis of Urbach and Wiethe.