Impossible syndrome


Impossible syndrome: A very rare syndrome (only one reported case) characterized a range of severe malformations, premature birth and stillbirth.


The list of signs and symptoms mentioned in various sources for Impossible syndrome includes the 25 symptoms listed below: * Stillbirth * Premature birth * Severe malformations * Situs inversus * Cleft epiglottis * Cleft larynx * Extra finger * Extra toe * Diaphragmatic hernia * Pancreatic cystic dysplasia * Abnormal kidney development * Small penis * Ambiguous genitalia * Absent anal opening * Abnormal lungs * Beaked nose * High arched palate * Wide set eyes * Hypospadias * Increased body hair * Loose skin * Low set ears * Reduced amniotic fluid * Simian crease * Abnormal ureters


* Abnormal kidney development * Absent anal opening * Ambiguous genitalia * Beaked nose * High arched palate * Increased body hair * Loose skin * Low set ears * Premature birth * Reduced amniotic fluid * Simian crease * Small penis * Stillbirth * Wide set eyes