Hyperostosis cortical infantile


A rare inflammatory disorder that affects bones and soft tissue in infants. The condition may affect virtually any bone and causes excessive enlargement of part of the bone (cortex). Infant feeding problems may occur if the jaw bone is affected which can affect weight gain. The inflammatory course of the disease eventually stops and over time the bones remodel to a normal appearance


* Irritability * Bone changes * Soft tissue swelling * Bone lesions * Pain


Most infants with infantile cortical hyperostosis are diagnosed by physical examination. X-rays can confirm the presence of bone changes and soft tissue swelling. Biopsy of the affected areas can confirm the presence of typical histopathological changes. No specific blood tests exist, but tests such as erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) and alkaline phosphatase levels are often elevated. A complete blood count may show anemia (low red blood cell count) and leukocytosis (high white blood cell count). Other tests may be done to help exclude other diagnoses. Ultrasound imaging can help diagnose prenatal cases.


Infantile cortical hyperostosis is a self-limited condition, meaning that the disease resolves on its own without treatment, usually within 6-9 months. Long-term deformities of the involved bones, including bony fusions and limb-length inequalities, are possible but rare.