Disease: Twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome
- A case of dichorionic twin reversed arterial perfusion sequence with prenatal diagnosis of vascular anastomosis in the first trimester
- A case report of limb deformities after fetoscopic laser photocoagulation in twins
- A systematic review of early intrauterine intervention at 12 + 0 to 16 + 6 weeks in twin reversed arterial perfusion sequence
- Acute Fetal Metabolomic Changes in Twins Undergoing Fetoscopic Surgery for Twin-Twin Transfusion Syndrome
- Amniotic fluid volume and pregnancy outcomes in twin pregnancies: A systematic review and meta-analysis
- Artery-to-vein anastomoses in unequally divided placentas and their association with birthweight discordance
- Association of amnioinfusion volume at the time of surgery for twin-twin transfusion syndrome and latency to delivery
- Atypical twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome case managed in a single centre in Indonesia with fetoscopic laser photocoagulation and amniopatch: 'Case Report'
- Autonomous Magnetic Navigation in Endoscopic Image Mosaics
- Behavior and circadian glucocorticoids in prepubertal monozygotic twins with birthweight differences: A prospective longitudinal cohort study on twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome patients
- Cardiac adaptation and malformation in twin-twin transfusion syndrome and selective fetal growth restriction: A systematic review
- Congenital Bilateral Perisylvian Polymicrogyria in Twin-Twin Transfusion Syndrome and Selective Fetal Growth Restriction
- Consensus protocol for management of early and late twin-twin transfusion syndrome: Delphi study
- Consensus protocols for management of early and late twin-twin transfusion syndrome: Delphi study
- Detection of Twin Pregnancies using Fetal Phonocardiogram
- Developmental outcomes for survivors of placental laser photocoagulation for the management of twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome
- Doppler Finding, Cardiovascular Function Assessment, and Fetuses' Survival Following the Fetoscopic Laser in Twin-to-Twin Transfusion Syndrome
- Effect of delayed cord clamping on maternal and neonatal outcome in twin pregnancies: a retrospective cohort study
- Elevated middle cerebral artery peak systolic velocity and risk of death in donor twin affected by twin-twin transfusion syndrome but not twin anemia-polycythemia sequence
- Erratum to risk factors for brain injury in premature infants with twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome: a retrospective cohort study
- Evaluation of the efficacy of intrauterine treatments of twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome using myocardial performance index
- Extra-Corporeal Membrane Oxygenation in Pregnancy
- Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation (ECMO): A Lifeline for Pregnant and Postpartum Women
- Feasibility of continuous intra-uterine pressure measurements during amnioreduction in twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome therapy
- Fetal and neonatal neuroimaging in twin-twin transfusion syndrome
- Fetal growth changes and prediction of selective fetal growth restriction following fetoscopic laser coagulation in twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome
- Fetal magnetic resonance imaging, ultrasound, and echocardiography findings in twin reversed arterial perfusion sequence
- Fetal metabolic adaptations to cardiovascular stress in twin-twin transfusion syndrome
- Fetal sex and the development of gestational diabetes mellitus in gravidae with multiple gestation pregnancies
- Fetoscopic laser coagulation for twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome: a comparison of flexible 1.0/1.2 mm fetoscopes with curved sheaths of 2.7/3.3 mm(2) vs. 2 mm fetoscopic lens technique with sheaths of 6.6/11.3 mm(2)
- Fetoscopic laser photocoagulation versus expectant management for stage I twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome: A systematic review and meta-analysis
- Fetoscopic laser versus amnioreduction, septostomy, and expected management for the treatment of twin-twin transfusion syndrome (TTTS): an economic evaluation analysis in Iran
- Guideline No. 440: Management of Monochorionic Twin Pregnancies
- Hepatic arterial buffer response: activation in donor fetuses and the effect of laser ablation of intertwin anastomosis
- Impact of cannula diameter on pregnancy outcomes after minimally invasive fetal laser surgery in the treatment of twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome: A systematic review and meta-analysis
- Incidence and risk factors of neonatal peripherally inserted central catheter-related thrombosis: A systematic review and meta-analysis
- Infant outcome at 3 years of age of monochorionic twins with Type-II or -III selective fetal growth restriction and isolated oligohydramnios that underwent fetoscopic laser photocoagulation
- Infantile outcome at 3 years of age among monochorionic twins with Type-II or -III selective fetal growth restriction with isolated oligohydramnios who underwent fetoscopic laser photocoagulation
- Intertwin discordance of aldosterone levels in amniotic fluid with placental anastomoses in monochorionic twins: Insight into the pathophysiology of twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome
- Intertwin nuchal translucency difference predicts the chance of co-twin death after fetal reduction in dichorionic triplet pregnancies: a retrospective analysis study
- Is There a Cumulative Effect for Congenital Heart Defects in Monochorionic Twins after Assisted Reproduction? - A Retrospective Analysis at a Tertiary Referral Center
- Laser fetoscopy ablation for twin-twin transfusion syndrome may reduce the risk of ROP
- Learning-based keypoint registration for fetoscopic mosaicking
- Long-Term Neurodevelopmental Outcome After Selective Fetoscopic Laser Therapy for Stage I Twin-Twin Transfusion Syndrome
- Magnetic resonance imaging of intracranial anomalies in pregnancies complicated by twin anemia-polycythemia sequence
- Management of twin reversed arterial perfusion sequence: eight cases over 13 years
- Managing Monoamniotic Twin Pregnancies
- Maternal "mirror" syndrome: Evaluating the benefits of fetal therapy
- Maternal and perinatal outcomes in twin pregnancies following assisted reproduction: a systematic review and meta-analysis involving 802 462 pregnancies
- Maternal and perinatal outcomes of minimally invasive fetal surgeries: experience from two reference centers in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
- Maternal hemodynamic evaluation in monochorionic twin pregnancy complicated by twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome treated with fetoscopic laser surgery
- Monochorionic triplet pregnancy complicated by conjoined twins and early twin-twin transfusion syndrome
- Monochorionic Twin Complications and Fetoscopic Interventions
- Monochorionic Twins: TTTS, TAPS, and Selective Fetal Growth Restriction
- Necrotizing Enterocolitis in an Infant With a History of Twin-Twin Transfusion Syndrome: A Case Report
- Necrotizing enterocolitis in monochorionic twins: Insights from an identical twin model
- Neonatal hemodynamics of recipient twins after fetoscopic selective laser coagulation for twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome: An unicist classification
- Neurodevelopmental outcome in complicated twin pregnancy: prospective observational study
- Neurodevelopmental Outcomes in Complicated Twin Pregnancies: Prospective Observational Study
- Novel autopsy and genetic findings in an acardiac twin: case report and literature review
- Patient-specific placental vessel segmentation with limited data
- Perinatal outcomes following fetoscopic laser surgery for early twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome: Systematic review and meta-analysis
- Perinatal outcomes of fetoscopic selective laser photocoagulation for spontaneous twin-anemia polycythemia sequence
- Perinatal Outcomes of Monochorionic Twin Pregnancies Conceived Naturally Versus through Assisted Reproductive Techniques
- Placental architectural characteristics following laser ablation within monochorionic twins complicated by twin-twin transfusion syndrome: A systematic review and meta-analysis of outcomes
- Placental differences between uncomplicated and complicated monochorionic diamniotic pregnancies on diffusion and multicompartment Magnetic Resonance Imaging
- Placental vessel segmentation and registration in fetoscopy: Literature review and MICCAI FetReg2021 challenge findings
- Placental Vessel Segmentation Using Pix2pix Compared to U-Net
- Polymicrogyria in a patient after twin-twin transfusion syndrome
- Pre and periviable PPROM after fetoscopic laser surgery: are survival outcomes better than we think?
- Predictors of fetal death, neonatal survival and neurological outcomes in severe twin-twin transfusion syndrome treated by laser ablation of placental vessels
- Prenatal Risk Factors and Outcomes of Pseudoamniotic Band Sequence following Fetoscopic Laser Surgery: Systematic Review, and Meta-Analysis
- Prevalence, Risk Factors, and Perinatal Outcomes of Velamentous Umbilical Cord Insertion in Twin Pregnancies: A Single-Center Retrospective Study
- Prevention of preterm birth in twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome: a systematic review and network meta-analysis
- Randomized controlled trial of twin-twin transfusion syndrome laser surgery: the sequential trial
- Remote hands-on training with a novel "video-game" simulator for teaching fetoscopic laser techniques for ablation of placental anastomoses in twin-to-twin syndrome
- Right ventricular outflow tract obstruction in twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome undergoing laser surgery: A systematic review and meta-analysis
- Risk factors for brain injury in premature infants with twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome: a retrospective cohort study
- Risk factors for severe postpartum hemorrhage requiring blood transfusion after cesarean delivery for twin pregnancy: a nationwide cohort study
- Risk stratification for donor twin fetal death by evaluating middle cerebral artery in twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome in absence of twin anemia polycythemia sequence
- Robot assisted Fetoscopic Laser Coagulation: Improvements in navigation, re-location and coagulation
- Role of gestational age at time of placental laser surgery in outcomes of twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome
- Salivary diurnal glucocorticoid profiles in monozygotic twins with intra-twin birthweight-differences
- Salivary Diurnal Glucocorticoid Profiles in Monozygotic Twins With Intratwin Birthweight Differences
- Sensitive detection of hemodynamic changes after fetoscopic laser photocoagulation by assessing intraventricular pressure difference in fetuses with twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome
- Short report: Twins with 20p13 duplication. Case report and comprehensive literature review
- Should We Stitch-Close the Fetoscopic Percutaneous Access? A Case-Series of Laparotomy to Trans-Amniotic Membrane Suturing for Intrauterine Port Placement in Fetoscopic Surgery for Twins
- Skeletal Growth Arrest Lines in Fetal Remains: Histopathology and Correlative Placental Pathology
- Society for Maternal-Fetal Medicine Consult Series #72: Twin-twin transfusion syndrome and twin anemia-polycythemia sequence
- Stage based recipient and donor outcome in twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome treated by fetoscopic laser surgery using Solomon technique
- Suture Characteristics after Exposure to Amniotic Fluid from an in vitro Model of Fetal Surgery
- Temporal ultrasound findings in the first trimester of a dual fetal demise occurring in a monochorionic diamniotic twin gestation
- The Arabin cervical pessary for the prevention of preterm birth in twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome treated by fetoscopic laser coagulation: a multicenter randomized controlled trial
- The changing Doppler patterns and perinatal outcomes of monochorionic diamniotic twins with selective fetal growth restriction
- The Current Knowledge of Cerebral Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Monochorionic Twins: A Systematic Review of the Last 20 Years
- The effect of chorionicity on maternal and neonatal outcomes in triplet pregnancies
- The impact of placental anastomoses and umbilical cord insertions' sites on monochorionic twin pregnancy outcomes: Evidence from color-dye injection studies
- The Outcome after Laser Therapy of Monochorionic Twin Pregnancies Complicated by Twin-Twin Transfusion Syndrome with Coexistent Selective Fetal Growth Restriction
- Toward a navigation framework for fetoscopy
- Ultrasonographic Features and Pregnancy Outcomes of Complications in Monochorionic Twin Pregnancy During Various Pregnancy Periods