Disease: Tracheal agenesis
- 'Unventilable bronquiolitis' as symptom of congenital tracheal stenosis
- A case of left pulmonary artery sling combined with congenital tracheal stenosis in an adult
- A case of tracheal agenesis: Prenatal imaging resembles esophageal atresia
- A pilot study of a novel biodegradable magnesium alloy airway stent in a rabbit model
- Achalasia Subtype Differences Based on Respiratory Symptoms and Radiographic Findings
- Airway performance in infants with congenital tracheal stenosis associated with unilateral pulmonary agenesis: effect of tracheal shape on energy flux
- Anatomy and embryology of tracheo-esophageal fistula
- Causes of death shortly after delivery and medical malpractice claims in congenital high airway obstruction syndrome: Review of the literature
- CHAOS: A fetal autopsy report
- Clinical and structural aspects of tracheal stenosis and a novel embryological hypothesis of left pulmonary artery sling
- Clinical assessment of the fetal right Quantitative Lung Index
- Closed-PICU perioperative management of congenital tracheal stenosis
- Commentary: Slide tracheoplasty for congenital tracheal stenosis: Sliding by the missing pieces
- Comparative histological analysis of the alae nasi in French bulldogs with brachycephalic obstructive airway syndrome and unaffected non-brachycephalic dogs
- Comparison of single coronal thick-slab minimum intensity projection with flexible bronchoscopy for airway compression in children with lymphobronchial tuberculosis
- Computational Evaluation of Surgical Design for Multisegmental Complex Congenital Tracheal Stenosis
- Computational fluid dynamics assessment of congenital tracheal stenosis
- Congenital Absence of Tracheal or Bronchial Rings
- Congenital airway anomalies
- Congenital anomalies of the large intrathoracic airways
- Congenital tracheal malformations
- Congenital tracheal stenosis: from clinic to treatment.
- Correction to: Unexpected tracheal agenesis with prenatal diagnosis of aortic coarctation, lung hyperecogenicity and polyhydramnios: a case report
- Criticality in tailoring the treatment for tracheoesophageal fistulas in children
- CT imaging for pulmonary artery sling with tracheal stenosis and hypoplastic right lung
- Development and validation of a nomogram to provide individualized predictions of functional outcomes in patients with convulsive status epilepticus at 3 months: The modified END-IT tool
- Development of a Lung Vacancy Mouse Model through CRISPR/Cas9-Mediated Deletion of Thyroid Transcription Factor 1 Exon 2
- Difficult intubation and anesthetic management in an adult patient with undiagnosed congenital tracheal stenosis: a case report
- Esophageal lung complicated by recurrent pneumonia
- Evaluation fetal heart in the first and second trimester: Results and limitations
- External Esophageal Stenting Technique in Palliation for Tracheal Agenesis in a Case of Esophageal Lung: A Lesson Learned from the Experience for Tracheomalacia
- Fluid dynamic assessment of tracheal flow in infants with congenital tracheal stenosis before and after surgery
- Impact of Tracheal Arborization and Lung Hypoplasia in Repair of Pulmonary Artery Sling in Combination With Long-Segment Tracheal Stenosis
- Improving community-based care for children with a rare condition: The example of long-segment congenital tracheal stenosis and perceptions of health professionals, parents and teachers
- Incidence and risk factor of vocal cord paralysis following slide tracheoplasty for congenital tracheal stenosis: a retrospective observational study
- Incidence of congenital tracheal stenosis in left pulmonary artery sling diagnosed by bronchoscopy
- Incidental Diagnosis of Congenital Tracheal Stenosis in Children With Congenital Heart Disease Presenting for Cardiac Surgery
- Infectious Bronchitis Virus California Variant CA1737 Isolated from a Commercial Layer Flock with Cystic Oviducts and Poor External Egg Quality
- Infectious complications after tracheoplasty for congenital tracheal stenosis: a retrospective comparative study
- International Pediatric Otolaryngology Group (IPOG) consensus recommendations: Evaluation and management of congenital tracheal stenosis
- Lethal severe congenital tracheal stenosis with tracheal ring complicating respiratory distress syndrome in an extremely premature infant: first reported case in Qatar with a literature review
- Long- term outcomes of congenital tracheal stenosis after slide tracheoplasty
- Lung Hypoplasia Associated With Ring-Sling Complex Is Usually Right-Sided
- Management of CHAOS by intact cord resuscitation: case report and literature review
- Molecular crosstalk in tracheal development and its recurrence in adult tissue regeneration
- Neonatal Respiratory Distress and Airway Emergency: Report of Two Cases
- New insights in the surgical treatment of long-segment congenital tracheal stenosis
- Outcome of congenital tracheal stenosis in children over two decades in a national cardiothoracic surgical unit
- Outcomes of slide tracheoplasty for congenital tracheal stenosis in 80 children: A 22-year single-center experience
- Prenatal Diagnosis and Outcome of Tracheal Agenesis as Part of Congenital High Airway Obstruction Syndrome. Case Presentation and Literature Review
- Prenatal diagnosis of congenital high airway obstruction syndrome
- Prenatal diagnosis of pulmonary artery sling associated with tracheal agenesis: A case report
- Prevalence of pectus excavatum (PE), pectus carinatum (PC), tracheal hypoplasia, thoracic spine deformities and lateral heart displacement in thoracic radiographs of screw-tailed brachycephalic dogs
- Radiographic determination of the tracheal indices at caudal cervical, thoracic-inlet, and intra-thoracic trachea in non-bulldog brachycephalic breeds without evidence of cardiorespiratory disease
- Rare type of tracheal agenesis: Unexpected presentation and immediate consideration of emergent esophageal intubation in neonatal resuscitation program. Case reports and review of the literature
- Recovery of cyanosis after esophageal intubation in a neonate with tracheal agenesis: a case report
- Revision thoracic slide tracheoplasty: Outcomes following unsuccessful tracheal reconstruction
- Ring-sling complex association with pig bronchus: a pediatric case report
- Risk Stratification of Slide Tracheoplasty for Pediatric Airway Stenosis
- Simulated slide tracheoplasty for congenital tracheal stenosis using three-dimensional printed models
- Slide Tracheoplasty for Congenital Tracheal Stenosis Repair: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
- Slide Tracheoplasty: Complete Tracheal Rings and Beyond
- Stumbled across a rare entity tracheal agenesis - A lesson learned
- Styletubation in Bariatric Surgery: A Case Report
- Successful application of the innovation process to a case of Floyd Type I tracheal agenesis
- Successful surgical treatment of congenital tracheal stenosis combined with tracheal bronchus and left pulmonary artery sling: a 10-year single-institution experience
- Successful Use of Aortic Homograft for Residual Tracheal Stenosis Following Slide Tracheoplasty
- Surgical management of congenital tracheal stenosis associated with complex cardiovascular anomalies
- Surgical management of long-segment congenital tracheal stenosis with tracheobronchial malacia
- Surgical management strategy of slide tracheoplasty for infants with congenital tracheal stenosis
- Surgical outcomes of pulmonary artery sling and congenital tracheal stenosis with right lung anomaly
- Surgical treatment of aberrant subclavian artery
- TBX5 pathogenic variant in a patient with congenital heart defect and tracheal stenosis
- The challenging airway: Tracheal agenesis in the newborn
- The diagnostic role of multidetector computed tomography in congenital tracheal agenesis
- The value of serum albumin concentration in predicting functional outcome of status epilepticus: An observational study
- Tracheal agenesis clinical presentation in a preterm infant: Prenatal MRI difficulties and autopsy findings
- Tracheal agenesis in a new born: lessons learnt
- Tracheal agenesis versus tracheal atresia: anatomical conditions, pathomechanisms and causes with a possible link to a novel MAPK11 variant in one case
- Tracheal Agenesis with Bronchoesophageal Fistula
- Tracheal agenesis with esophageal atresia: an autopsy case report of a variant incompatible with life
- Tracheal agenesis: Esophageal airway support with a 3-dimensional-printed bioresorbable splint
- Tracheal Agenesis: One Hospital's Nursing Experience With This Rare Airway Anomaly Case Report
- Tracheal agenesis: the importance of teamwork in an uncommon pathology, challenging diagnosis, and high mortality-a case report
- Tracheal Agenesis: Vertical Division of the Native Esophagus - A Novel Surgical Approach and Review of the Literature
- Tracheal anomalies associated with Down syndrome: A systematic review
- Tracheal necrosis due to tracheal tube cuff in congenital tracheal stenosis
- Tracheal Reconstruction
- Tracheal Reconstruction
- Tracheal Reconstruction for Congenital Tracheal Stenosis: A 950-Gram Neonate
- Tracheal reconstruction surgery for congenital tracheal stenosis
- Tracheobronchial Tree Ossification in a 5-Year-Old Boy with Keutel Syndrome: A Case Report
- Tracheoplasty for Congenital Tracheal Stenosis with Bilateral Tracheal Bronchus
- Treatment of long-segment congenital tracheal stenosis with congenital cardiovascular defects in infancy
- Two children with late-onset congenital central hypoventilation syndrome
- Unexpected tracheal agenesis with prenatal diagnosis of aortic coarctation, lung hyperecogenicity and polyhydramnios: a case report
- Unilateral sublingual nerve paralysis after laryngeal mask airway in a patient with congenital heart disease: a case report
- Use of a laryngeal tube for sialolithotomy in a pediatric patient with left vocal cord paralysis: a case report
- Use of non-invasive ventilation in children with congenital tracheal stenosis
- Use of Virtual Reality and Three-Dimensional Printing in the Surgical Planning of Slide Tracheoplasty