Disease: Pancreas agenesis- dorsal
- 17q12 deletion as a possible cause of agenesis of the dorsal pancreas and polycystic kidney disease
- A case of annular pancreas with Wirsung's duct encircling the duodenum: embryological hypothesis based on cholangiopancreatographic and immunohistochemical findings
- A case of dorsal agenesis of pancreas associated with unilateral renal agenesis, unicornuate uterus, and ovarian ectopia: A brief review and learning points
- A case of polysplenia syndrome with annular pancreas and agenesis of the dorsal pancreas
- A case report on agenesis of dorsal pancreas with insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus: a rare entity
- A Dorsal Pancreatic Artery Originating from the Right Inferior Phrenic Artery
- A Rare Case of Complete Agenesis of Dorsal Pancreas
- A Rare Case of Dorsal Agenesis of Pancreas, Choledochal Cyst, and Hirschsprung Disease in a Young Patient
- A rare congenital anomaly of the duodenal shape incidentally found at duodenopancreatectomy: A case report and literature review
- Agenesis of Dorsal Pancreas and Solid Pseudopapillary Tumor: Ventral Pancreas Preserving Portal Vein Resection and Reconstruction Using a Peritoneal Graft
- Agenesis of dorsal pancreas associated with pancreatic neuroendocrine tumor: a case report and review of the literature
- Agenesis of Dorsal Pancreas in a Young Adult: A Case Report
- Agenesis of dorsal pancreas in a young adult: a rare cause of diabetes mellitus
- Agenesis of Dorsal Pancreas With Chronic Calcific Pancreatitis: The Head Without a Body
- Agenesis of the dorsal pancreas associated with mucinous adenocarcinoma and cystic teratoma: a case report and literature review
- Agenesis of the dorsal pancreas associated with mucinous cysts and chronic calcific non-alcoholic pancreatitis
- Agenesis of the dorsal pancreas presenting with diabetic ketoacidosis - a case report and literature review
- Agenesis of the dorsal pancreas with chronic suppurative pancreatitis: Case report and literature review
- Agenesis of the Dorsal Pancreas: A Rare Cause of Diabetes and Recurrent Upper Abdominal Pain
- Agenesis of the dorsal pancreas: a rare cause of insulin-dependent diabetes without abdominal pain: Case report
- Agenesis of the dorsal pancreas: a very rare entity causing diabetes mellitus
- Agenesis of the Dorsal Pancreas: Case Report and Review of Age-Related Differences in Presentation
- Agenesis of the dorsal pancreas: systematic review of a clinical challenge
- Agenesis or pseudoagenesis of the dorsal pancreas
- Ampullary carcinoma in a patient with agenesis of the dorsal pancreas: a case report
- An Unexpected Partner in Diabetic Ketoacidosis: Dorsal Pancreatic Agenesis
- Anatomy, embryology, and imaging of situs ambiguous with polysplenia and left IVC
- Arterial blood supply to the pancreas from accessary middle colic artery
- Association of Agenesis of the Dorsal Pancreas With <em>HNF1B</em> Heterozygote Mutation: A Case Report
- Association of Agenesis of the Dorsal Pancreas With HNF1B Heterozygote Mutation: A Case Report
- Asymptomatic proteinuria, renal cysts and dorsal pancreas agenesis
- Case Report: Diabetes mellitus type MODY5 as a feature of 17q12 deletion syndrome with diabetic gastroparesis
- Circumportal pancreas
- Clinical significance of circumportal pancreas, a rare congenital anomaly, in pancreatectomy
- Coincidence of Polysplenia, Kartagener Syndrome, Dorsal Pancreas Agenesis, and Polycystic Kidney Disease in an Adult
- Complete agenesis of dorsal pancreas with pancreatic cyst: A case report
- Complete agenesis of dorsal pancreas: A rare cause of insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus
- Complete Agenesis of the Dorsal Pancreas as a Rare Manifestation of a Chromosomal Anomaly: A Case Report
- Complete agenesis of the dorsal pancreas: A rare clinical entity
- Complete agenesis of the dorsal pancreas: Case report with imaging findings and review of the literature
- Congenital anomalies of the gastrointestinal tract: the liver, extrahepatic biliary tree and pancreas
- Congenital Anomalies of the Pancreas: Various Clinical Manifestations and Their Impact on Pancreatic Diseases and Outcomes
- Dependent stomach sign and dependent intestine sign of dorsal pancreatic agenesis
- Diabetes mellitus due to agenesis of the dorsal pancreas in a patient with heterotaxy syndrome
- Diabetic ketoacidosis and acute pancreatitis in a patient with agenesis of the dorsal pancreas
- Diagnosis and treatment of pancreas divisum: A literature review
- Dilation of the dorsal pancreatic duct in an asymptomatic patient with pancreas divisum
- Dorsal Pancreas Agenesis in an Organ Donor: To Accept or to Discard for Transplantation?
- Dorsal pancreas agenesis, an incidental finding during acute appendicitis diagnosis; A case report
- Dorsal pancreatic agenesis: a case report
- Dorsal pancreatic agenesis: description of CT signs
- Ectopic Opening of the Common Bile Duct Accompanied by Choledochocele and Pancreas Divisum
- Endoscopic treatment of disconnected pancreatic duct syndrome secondary to acute necrotizing pancreatitis in a patient with pancreas divisum
- Failure to Thrive in a Middle-Aged Female: A Case of Congenital Incomplete Pancreas From a Rare Genetic Defect
- GATA4 and GATA6 regulate pancreatic endoderm identity through inhibition of hedgehog signaling
- Hepatocyte nuclear factor 1B deletion, but not intragenic mutation, might be more susceptible to hypomagnesemia
- Heterotaxy syndrome with agenesis of dorsal pancreas and diabetes mellitus: case report and review of the literature
- Identification and management of pancreas divisum
- Impact of variant pancreatic arterial anatomy and overlap in regional perfusion on the interpretation of selective arterial calcium stimulation with hepatic venous sampling for preoperative localization of occult insulinoma
- Incidence and risk factors for post-ERCP pancreatitis in pancreas divisum patients without chronic pancreatitis
- Incidentally Detected Agenesis of Dorsal Pancreas on PET/CT: Case Report and Review of Literature
- Infarcted wandering spleen and pancreatic volvulus in a patient with concomitant Grynfelt-Lesshaft haernia
- Intraductal papillary mucinous carcinoma of the pancreas associated with pancreas divisum: a case report and review of the literature
- Isolated Dorsal Pancreatic Agenesis
- Laparoscopic distal pancreatectomy in a patient with aberrant splenic artery originating from the superior mesenteric artery: A case report
- Laparoscopic total gastrectomy for concurrent gastric cancer and complete agenesis of the dorsal pancreas
- Laser Capture and Deep Sequencing Reveals the Transcriptomic Programmes Regulating the Onset of Pancreas and Liver Differentiation in Human Embryos
- Modified double-wire technique for deep cannulation of dorsal duct in incomplete pancreas divisum
- Neural blastocyst complementation enables mouse forebrain organogenesis
- Neuroendocrine tumour in pancreatic dorsal agenesis: a rare association
- Neurog3-dependent pancreas dysgenesis causes ectopic pancreas in <em>Hes1</em> mutant mice
- Neurog3-dependent pancreas dysgenesis causes ectopic pancreas in Hes1 mutant mice
- Pancreatic head cancer in a patient with complete agenesis of dorsal pancreas
- Pancreatic head sparing surgery for solid pseudopapillary tumor in patients with agenesis of the dorsal pancreas
- Pancreatic hemi-agenesis in MEN1: A clinical report
- Pancreatic Neuroendocrine Tumor in the Setting of Dorsal Agenesis of the Pancreas
- Partial agenesis of dorsal pancreas. Report of two cases
- Patients with type 2 diabetes present with multiple anomalies of the pancreatic arterial tree on abdominal computed tomography: comparison between patients with type 2 diabetes and a matched control group
- PDX1 -MODY and dorsal pancreatic agenesis: New phenotype of a rare disease
- Performance of endoscopic ultrasound for diagnosis of agenesis of the dorsal pancreas: a case report
- Polysplenia syndrome and sickle cell trait: extensive deep venous thrombosis from venous stasis and hypercoagulability
- Polysplenia with agenesis of the dorsal pancreas and preduodenal portal vein, about a case
- Portal Annular Pancreas (PAP): an Underestimated Devil in Pancreatic Surgery-Systematic Review of Literature and Case Report
- Primate-specific ZNF808 is essential for pancreatic development in humans
- Radical antegrade modular pancreatosplenectomy for adenocarcinomaof the body of the pancreas in a patient with portal annular pancreas, aberrant hepatic artery, and absence of the celiac trunk: A case report
- Rare Cause of Pain Abdomen: Dorsal Pancreatic Agenesis
- Rare left colic artery variation of the gut arterial system
- Refractory postoperative pancreatic fistula following laparoscopic distal pancreatectomy for pancreatic cancer caused by incomplete pancreas divisum: a case report
- Retinol Dehydrogenase-10 Regulates Pancreas Organogenesis and Endocrine Cell Differentiation via Paracrine Retinoic Acid Signaling
- Ruptured Pancreaticoduodenal Artery Aneurysms Associated with Celiac Stenosis Caused by the Median Arcuate Ligament: A Poorly Known Etiology of Acute Abdominal Pain
- Significance of imaging findings in the diagnosis of heterotopic spleen-an intrapancreatic accessory spleen (IPAS): Case report
- Sonographic features of agenesis of dorsal pancreas
- Successful Pancreatic Duct Stent Placement for Recurrent Pancreatitis in a Patient with Polysplenia with Agenesis of the Dorsal Pancreas and Peutz-Jeghers Syndrome
- Surgical management of intraoperatively diagnosed portal annular pancreas: Two case reports
- The crossing duct sign
- The Role of Cross-Sectional Imaging in the Diagnosis of Agenesis of the Dorsal Pancreas: A Case Series
- Three cases of pancreatic pseudocysts associated with dorsal pancreatic agenesis
- Two cases of agenesis of the dorsal pancreas and a review of the literature
- Unusual Case of Abdominal Pain: Finding the Missing Part
- Use of hyperglycemic clamp to assess pancreatectomy and islet cell autotransplant in patient with heterotaxy syndrome and dorsal pancreas agenesis leading to chronic pancreatitis