Disease: Myositis ossificans post-traumatic
- Activin A does not drive post-traumatic heterotopic ossification
- Bilateral Post Traumatic Myositis Ossificans of Adductor Longus in a Young Soccer Player: A Case Report and Literature Review
- Circumscribed myositis ossificans of the elbow: about a case
- Complete Extra-articular Ankylosis of Hip and Stiff Elbow in a Case of Extensive Myositis Ossificans: A Rare Presentation
- Intra-abdominal myositis ossificans - a clinically challenging disease: A case report
- Multifocal heterotopic ossification in a man with germline variants of LIM Mineralization Protein-1 (LMP-1)
- Multifocal Post-Traumatic Myositis Ossificans Circumscripta in a Young Male Following a Motor Vehicle Accident: A Review of Imaging and Clinical Presentation
- Myositis ossificans in children: a review
- Myositis ossificans-a rare tumor of the chest wall
- Pediatric myositis ossificans circumscripta following traumatic hip dislocation: A case report
- Post-traumatic forearm nonunion in healthy skeletally immature children: A report on 15 cases
- Post-traumatic myositis ossificans: a benign lesion that simulates malignant bone and soft tissue tumours
- Surgical excision of post-traumatic myositis ossificans of the adductor longus in a football player
- Ultrasonography and radiography to identify early post traumatic myosistis ossificans in an 18-year-old male: a case report
- Validation of a Radiography-Based Quantification Designed to Longitudinally Monitor Soft Tissue Calcification in Skeletal Muscle