Disease: Methionine adenosyl transferase deficiency
- Blocking sphingosine 1-phosphate receptor 2 accelerates hepatocellular carcinoma progression in a mouse model of NASH
- Causes and consequences of impaired methionine synthase activity in acquired and inherited disorders of vitamin B(12) metabolism
- Causes and consequences of impaired methionine synthase activity in acquired and inherited disorders of vitamin B<sub>12</sub> metabolism
- Choline in cystic fibrosis: relations to pancreas insufficiency, enterohepatic cycle, PEMT and intestinal microbiota
- Combined inhibition of MTAP and MAT2a mimics synthetic lethality in tumor models via PRMT5 inhibition
- Engineering new metabolic pathways in isolated cells for the degradation of guanidinoacetic acid and simultaneous production of creatine
- GATM and GAMT synthesize creatine locally throughout the mammalian body and within oligodendrocytes of the brain
- HP1s modulate the S-Adenosyl Methionine synthesis pathway in liver cancer cells
- KMT2C deficiency promotes small cell lung cancer metastasis through DNMT3A-mediated epigenetic reprogramming
- m<sup>6</sup> A-mediated alternative splicing coupled with nonsense-mediated mRNA decay regulates SAM synthetase homeostasis
- Potent Inhibition of Nicotinamide <em>N</em>-Methyltransferase by Alkene-Linked Bisubstrate Mimics Bearing Electron Deficient Aromatics
- Potent Inhibition of Nicotinamide N-Methyltransferase by Alkene-Linked Bisubstrate Mimics Bearing Electron Deficient Aromatics
- S-adenosyl-L-methionine supplementation alleviates damaged intestinal epithelium and inflammatory infiltration caused by Mat2a deficiency
- Serine metabolism antagonizes antiviral innate immunity by preventing ATP6V0d2-mediated YAP lysosomal degradation
- SIRT1 activation rescues the mislocalization of RNA-binding proteins and cognitive defects induced by inherited cobalamin disorders
- STK11/LKB1 Loss of Function Is Associated with Global DNA Hypomethylation and <em>S</em>-Adenosyl-Methionine Depletion in Human Lung Adenocarcinoma
- STK11/LKB1 Loss of Function Is Associated with Global DNA Hypomethylation and S-Adenosyl-Methionine Depletion in Human Lung Adenocarcinoma
- Structural and Functional Characterization of <em>Mycobacterium tuberculosis</em> Homoserine Transacetylase
- Vitamin B(12) Deficiency Dysregulates m6A mRNA Methylation of Genes Involved in Neurological Functions
- Vitamin B<sub>12</sub> Deficiency Dysregulates m6A mRNA Methylation of Genes Involved in Neurological Functions
- Would, early, versus late hydroxocobalamin dose intensification treatment, prevent cognitive decline, macular degeneration and ocular disease, in 5 patients with early-onset cblC deficiency?