Disease: Hypomandibular faciocranial dysostosis
- Craniosynostosis update 1987
- Dysgnathia complex sine holoprosencephaly nor synotia: a case report and discussion of its nosology
- Esophageal atresia, hypoplasia of zygomatic complex, microcephaly, cup-shaped ears, congenital heart defect, and mental retardation--new MCA/MR syndrome in two affected sibs and a mildly affected mother?
- Hypomandibular faciocranial dysostosis
- Hypomandibular faciocranial dysostosis in consanguineous parents revealed by ultrasound prenatal diagnosis
- Hypomandibular faciocranial dysostosis: another case and review
- Hypomandibular faciocranial dysostosis: report of an affected sib and follow-up
- Perspectives on craniosynostosis: sutural biology, some well-known syndromes, and some unusual syndromes