Disease: Humeroradioulnar synostosis
- An aetiological classification for developmental synostoses at the elbow
- Distraction osteogenesis to improve limb function in congenital bilateral humeroradioulnar synostosis
- Further report of a patient with humeroradioulnar synostosis and hydronephrosis
- Humero-radio-ulnar synostosis: a new case and review
- Humeroradioulnar synostosis appearing as distal humeral bifurcation in a patient with distal phocomelia of the upper limbs and radial ectrodactyly
- Humeroradioulnar synostosis in a patient with lambdoid synostosis
- Rare case of fracture of the two bones of the forearm in a patient with humerus bifurcation and an ulnar deficiency: humero-radioulnar synostosis