Disease: Duodenal atresia tetralogy of Fallot
- A case of lateral facial clefts with Fallot tetralogy, duodenal stenosis and intestinal malrotation: a new multiple congenital anomaly syndrome?
- A familial disorder with duodenal atresia and tetralogy of Fallot
- Associated congenital anomalies among cases with Down syndrome
- Biliary atresia splenic malformation syndrome--is it a result of embryonically midline rotational defects? A case report
- Charge association. A case report and short annotation
- Clinical characteristics and pregnancy outcomes of new onset epilepsy during pregnancy
- Congenital heart diseases and other major anomalies in patients with Down syndrome
- Congenitally malformed hearts from a population of children undergoing cardiac transplantation: comments on sequential segmental analysis and dissection
- Down syndrome: clinical profile from India
- Endoscopic Division of Duodenal Web Causing Near Obstruction in 2-Year-Old with Trisomy 21
- Extracardiac abnormalities in infants with congenital heart disease
- Fetal echocardiographic screening in twins for congenital heart diseases
- Fryns syndrome
- Intestinal malformations and congenital heart diseases
- Posterior axial corneal malformation and uveoretinal angiodysgenesis--a neurocristopathy?
- Postoperative retrograde intussusception in an infant: a rare occurrence
- Prenatal diagnosis of Williams-Beuren syndrome by ultrasound and chromosomal microarray analysis
- Situs inversus abdominus in association with congenital duodenal obstruction: a report of two cases and review of the literature
- Tracheal agenesis and associated malformations: a comparison with tracheoesophageal fistula and the VACTERL association
- Trends in congenital anomalies in Europe from 1980 to 2012
- Vertebral hypersegmentation in a case of the VATER association