Disease: Chromosome 9- duplication 9q21
- A dicentric recombinant 9 derived from a paracentric inversion: phenotype, cytogenetics, and molecular analysis of centromeres
- A new locus for otosclerosis, OTSC8, maps to the pericentromeric region of chromosome 9
- A patient with a de novo t (6;9) and an interstitial duplication of (9)(q21.2q22.1)
- A patient with unusual features and a 69.5 Mb duplication from a de novo extra der (9): a case report
- A rare occurrence of two large de novo duplications on 1q42-q44 and 9q21.12-q21.33
- Brief report. Adult patient presenting an interstitial (9) (q21.32q31.1) direct duplication resulting from the malsegregation of a paternal balanced insertional translocation
- Clinical and molecular delineation of duplication 9p24.3q21.11 in a patient with psychotic behavior
- Detection of paternal uniparental disomy 9 in a neonate with prenatally detected mosaicism for a small supernumerary marker chromosome 9 and a supernumerary ring chromosome 9
- Genomic Features of Interstitial Deletions of Chromosome 9q in Acute Myeloid Leukemia
- Inverted insertion (9)(q34.3q22.3q21.2) and its recombination product: duplication 9q21.2q22.3
- Loss of <em>DMRT1</em> gene in a Mos 45,XY,-9[8]/46,XY,r(9)[29]/47,XY,+idic r(9)× 2[1]/46,XY,idic r(9)[1]/46,XY[1] female presenting with short stature
- Molecular characterization of the pericentric inversion of chimpanzee chromosome 11 homologous to human chromosome 9
- Novel deletion variants of 9q13-q21.12 and classical euchromatic variants of 9q12/qh involve deletion, duplication and triplication of large tracts of segmentally duplicated pericentromeric euchromatin
- Partial duplication of the APBA2 gene in chromosome 15q13 corresponds to duplicon structures
- Partial trisomy 1q41-qter and partial trisomy 9pter-9q21.32 in a newborn infant: an array CGH analysis and review
- Phenotypic and cytogenetic spectrum of 9p trisomy
- Polymorphous Low-Grade Neuroepithelial Tumor of the Young (PLNTY): Molecular Profiling Confirms Frequent MAPK Pathway Activation
- Prenatal diagnosis of low-level mosaicism for a small supernumerary marker chromosome derived from chromosome 9q (9q13-q21.33) in a pregnancy with a favorable outcome, and cytogenetic discrepancy between cultured amniocytes and uncultured amniocytes
- Variants of chromosome 9 in phenotypically normal individuals