Disease: Chromosome 15- trisomy mosaicism
- 46,XX,t(15;21)/47,XX,15p-,+21 mosaicism in a child with Down's syndrome
- A case of confined placental mosaicism with double trisomy associated with stillbirth
- A Familial Small Supernumerary Marker Chromosome 15 Associated with Cryptic Mosaicism with Two Different Additional Marker Chromosomes Derived de novo from Chromosome 9: Detailed Case Study and Implications for Recurrent Pregnancy Loss
- A single-tube quantitative high-resolution melting curve method for parent-of-origin determination of 15q duplications
- A specific phenotype associated with trisomy 15 mosaicism
- A study of ten small supernumerary (marker) chromosomes identified by fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH)
- An immunological basis of hyperphagia driven by GABAergic dysfunction in Prader-Willi Syndrome
- An infant with trisomy 15 mosaicism
- Application of fluorescence in situ hybridization to the identification of different marker chromosomes
- Atypical presentation of the Prader-Willi syndrome. Mosaic trisomy 15?
- Chromosomal mosaicism confined to chorionic tissue
- Clinical and molecular delineation of a 16p13.2p13.13 microduplication
- Cycloid Psychosis Comorbid with Prader-Willi Syndrome: A Case Series
- Cytogenetic and age-dependent risk factors associated with uniparental disomy 15
- Cytogenetic discrepancy between uncultured amniocytes and cultured amniocytes in mosaic trisomy 15 at amniocentesis
- Cytogenetic discrepancy between uncultured amniocytes and cultured amniocytes in mosaic trisomy 15 at amniocentesis in a pregnancy with a favorable outcome
- Cytogenetic studies in Down syndrome
- De novo unbalanced translocations in Prader-Willi and Angelman syndrome might be the reciprocal product of inv dup(15)s
- Deconvolution-based assessment of pituitary GH secretion stimulated with GHRH+arginine in Prader-Willi adults and obese controls
- Delineating the Mosaic Trisomy 15 Phenotype Using a Serendipitous Mechanism as a Clue
- Delineation of a clinical syndrome caused by mosaic trisomy 15
- Detection of mutually exclusive mosaicism in a girl with genotype-phenotype discrepancies
- Disappearance of the trisomy 15 cell line at long-term follow-up in mosaic trisomy 15 at amniocentesis
- Evidence for feasibility of fetal trophoblastic cell-based noninvasive prenatal testing
- Fetal phenotype of Prader-Willi syndrome due to maternal disomy for chromosome 15
- Identification of autosomal supernumerary chromosome markers (SMCs) by fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH)
- Incidental finding of paternal UPD15 in a child with a deletion of 11q21-q22.3, presenting with developmental delay, coloboma and characteristic dysmorphic features
- Increased low-level chromosome 21 mosaicism in older individuals with Down syndrome
- Is gestation in Prader-Willi syndrome affected by the genetic subtype?
- Jumping translocation in a phenotypically normal male: A study of mosaicism in spermatozoa, lymphocytes, and fibroblasts
- Jumping translocation of 15q24-qter resulting in partial trisomy: a case report
- Jumping-like translocation-a rare chromosomal rearrangement in a patient with Burkitt lymphoma/leukemia
- Karyotype 69,XXX/47,XX,+15 in a 2 1/2 year old child
- Karyotype, phenotype and parental origin in 19 cases of triploidy
- Kinetic form discrimination in Prader-Willi syndrome
- Low-level mosaic trisomy 13 at amniocentesis in a pregnancy associated with a positive NIPT result suspicious of trisomy 13, a CVS result of mosaic trisomy 13, cytogenetic discrepancy in various tissues and a favorable fetal outcome
- Low-level mosaicism for both trisomy 15 and monosomy-X in amniotic fluid cells confirmed in fetal tissues
- Maternal 15q Duplication Syndrome
- Molecular characterization of a complex small supernumerary marker chromosome derived from chromosome 18p: an addition to the literature
- Monoallelic BUB1B mutations and defective mitotic-spindle checkpoint in seven families with premature chromatid separation (PCS) syndrome
- Mosaic and non-mosaic trisomy 15q2
- Mosaic embryo transfer-first report of a live born with nonmosaic partial aneuploidy and uniparental disomy 15
- Mosaic maternal uniparental disomy of chromosome 15 in Prader-Willi syndrome: utility of genome-wide SNP array
- Mosaic tetrasomy 15q25-->qter in a newborn infant with multiple anomalies
- Mosaic trisomy 15 and hemihypertrophy
- Mosaic trisomy 15 at amniocentesis: Prenatal diagnosis, molecular genetic analysis and literature review
- Mosaic trisomy 15 found at amniocentesis
- Mosaic trisomy 15 in a liveborn infant
- Mosaic trisomy 15 in a short girl with hemihypotrophy and mental retardation
- Mosaicism for Robertsonian jumping translocation at amniocentesis: 45,XY,der(15;22)(q10;q10)mat/46,XY,i(15)(q10)/46,XY, genetic counseling, prenatal diagnosis and postnatal follow-up in a pregnancy with a favorable fetal outcome
- Mosaicism for trisomy 3q arising from an unbalanced, de novo t(3;15)
- Noninvasive prenatal testing suggesting an abnormality in chromosome 15 confirmed to be a case of Prader-Willi syndrome caused by trisomy rescue in the neonatal period
- Origin and mechanisms of non-disjunction in human autosomal trisomies
- Partial trisomy 15 in a male with severe psychomotor retardation (48, XY, + 15q -, + mar(15))
- Prader-Willi syndrome in a child with mosaic trisomy 15 and mosaic triplo-X: a molecular analysis
- Prenatal diagnosis and molecular cytogenetic characterization of a small supernumerary marker chromosome derived from chromosome 15 in a pregnancy associated with recurrent Down syndrome
- Prenatal diagnosis of low level trisomy 15 mosaicism: review of the literature
- Prenatal diagnosis of low-level trisomy 15 mosaicism with a favorable outcome
- Prenatal diagnosis of mosaicism for trisomy 15 in a single colony at amniocentesis with a favorable fetal outcome
- Prenatal diagnosis of Prader-Willi syndrome using PW71 methylation analysis--uniparental disomy and the significance of residual trisomy 15
- Prenatal diagnosis of uniparental disomy 15 following trisomy 15 mosaicism
- Prenatal genetic diagnosis using microarray analysis in fetuses with congenital heart defects
- Prenatal overgrowth and mosaic trisomy 15q25-qter including the IGF1 receptor gene
- Primary intraosseous myoepithelioma arising in the iliac bone and displaying trisomies of 11, 15, 17 with del (16q) and del (22q11)--A rare case report with review of literature
- Prospective prenatal diagnosis of Prader-Willi syndrome due to maternal disomy for chromosome 15 following trisomic zygote rescue
- Protein kinase profiling in miscarriage: implications for the pathogenesis of trisomic pregnancy
- Regions of homozygosity identified by oligonucleotide SNP arrays: evaluating the incidence and clinical utility
- Retrospective diagnosis of trisomy 15 in formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded placental tissue in a newborn girl with Prader-Willi syndrome
- Risk of mosaicism and uniparental disomy associated with the prenatal diagnosis of a non-homologous Robertsonian translocation carrier
- Severe intrauterine growth restriction and trisomy 15 confined placental mosaicism: a case report and review of literature
- Sex-specific chromosome instability in early human development
- Skewed X-chromosome inactivation is common in fetuses or newborns associated with confined placental mosaicism
- SNP microarray abnormalities in a cohort of 28 infants with congenital diaphragmatic hernia
- Somatic segregation errors predominantly contribute to the gain or loss of a paternal chromosome leading to uniparental disomy for chromosome 15
- Structural chromosomal mosaicism and prenatal diagnosis
- The contribution of uniparental disomy to congenital development defects in children born to mothers at advanced childbearing age
- The cytogenetic controversy in the Prader-Labhart-Willi syndrome
- Third Prader-Willi syndrome phenotype due to maternal uniparental disomy 15 with mosaic trisomy 15
- Trisomy 15 CPM: probable origins, pregnancy outcome and risk of fetal UPD: European Collaborative Research on Mosaicism in CVS (EUCROMIC)
- Trisomy 15 in chorionic villi and Prader-Willi syndrome at birth
- Trisomy 15 mosaic derived from trisomic conceptus: report of a case and a review
- Trisomy 15 mosaicism and uniparental disomy (UPD) in a liveborn infant
- Trisomy 15 mosaicism in an IVF fetus
- Trisomy 15 mosaicism owing to familial reciprocal translocation t(1;15): implication for prenatal diagnosis
- Trisomy 15 mosaicism: Challenges in prenatal diagnosis
- Trisomy 15 rescue with jumping translocation of distal 15q in Prader-Willi syndrome
- Trisomy 15 with loss of the paternal 15 as a cause of Prader-Willi syndrome due to maternal disomy
- Trisomy of medial 15q as result of an analphoid supernumerary ring chromosome detected by CGH and FISH
- Trisomy of the distal 15q region due to familial balanced translocation t(15;16)(q24;p13) and unusual mosaicism in the mother of the proband
- True trisomy 15 mosaicism, detected by amniocentesis at 12 weeks of gestation and fetal echocardiography
- Two cases of Y; autosome translocations: A 45,X male and a clinically trisomy 18 patient
- Unbalanced and balanced acrocentric rearrangements involving chromosomes other than chromosome 21 at amniocentesis
- Unique mosaicism in Prader-Labhart-Willi syndrome--a contiguous gene or aneuploidy syndrome?
- Use of the MS-MLPA assay in prenatal diagnosis of Prader-Willi syndrome with mosaic trisomy 15