Disease: Chromosome 15- distal trisomy 15q
- 15q overgrowth syndrome: a newly recognized phenotype associated with overgrowth, learning difficulties, characteristic facial appearance, renal anomalies and increased dosage of distal chromosome 15q
- A case of de novo duplication of 15q24-q26.3
- A girl with 15q overgrowth syndrome and dup(15)(q24q26.3) that included telomeric sequences
- Detection of mutually exclusive mosaicism in a girl with genotype-phenotype discrepancies
- Distal 15q trisomy: phenotypic comparison of nine cases in an extended family
- Distal Partial Trisomy 15q26 and Partial Monosomy 16p13.3 in a 36-Year-Old Male with Clinical Features of Both Chromosomal Abnormalities
- Distal trisomy of 10q with distal monosomy of 15q due to a paternal translocation
- Duplication of the distal long arm of chromosome 15: report of three new patients and review of the literature
- Electro-clinical features in epileptic children with chromosome 15q duplication syndrome
- Genome wide noninvasive prenatal testing detects microduplication of the distal end of chromosome 15 in a fetus: a case report
- High frequency of known copy number abnormalities and maternal duplication 15q11-q13 in patients with combined schizophrenia and epilepsy
- Partial duplication of the long arm of chromosome 15: confirmation of a causative role in craniosynostosis and definition of a 15q25-qter trisomy syndrome
- Partial trisomy for the distal part of the long arm of chromosome 15 due to a balanced maternal X/15 tranlsocation
- Partial trisomy for the distal part of the long arm of chromosome 15--a new syndrome?
- Partial trisomy of chromosome 15q and partial monopsony of 6q due to maternal balanced translocation
- Phenotype-genotype correlation of a patient with a "balanced" translocation 9;15 and cryptic 9q34 duplication and 15q21q25 deletion
- Prenatal diagnosis of a pure 15q distal trisomy derived from a maternal pericentric inversion: A case report
- Prenatal diagnosis of the Dandy-Walker malformation associated with partial trisomy 12p and distal 15q deletion
- Small bowel malrotation in distal 15q duplication: evidence for a rare association
- Tetrasomy 15q: two marker chromosomes with no detectable alpha-satellite DNA
- Trisomy 15 rescue with jumping translocation of distal 15q in Prader-Willi syndrome
- Trisomy 15q25.2-qter in an autistic child: genotype-phenotype correlations
- Trisomy of medial 15q as result of an analphoid supernumerary ring chromosome detected by CGH and FISH
- Trisomy of the distal 15q region due to familial balanced translocation t(15;16)(q24;p13) and unusual mosaicism in the mother of the proband
- Two familial cases with trisomy 15q dist due to a rcp(5;15)(p14;q21)
- Two new cases of analphoid marker chromosomes
- Variable behavioural phenotypes of patients with monosomies of 15q26 and a review of 16 cases