Disease: Carnosinemia
- A novel, quantitative assay for homocarnosine in cerebrospinal fluid using stable-isotope dilution liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry
- Allelic variation in the CNDP1 gene and its lack of association with longevity and coronary heart disease
- Carnosinaemia
- Carnosinaemia
- Carnosinase and homocarnosinosis
- Carnosinase deficiency: a new variant with high residual activity
- Carnosinase, diabetes mellitus and the potential relevance of carnosinase deficiency
- Carnosinemia
- Carnosinemia
- Carnosinemia (author's transl)
- Carnosinemia. First French case
- Clinical aspects of the disorders of GABA metabolism in children
- Does low serum carnosinase activity favor high-intensity exercise capacity?
- Dual Effect of Carnosine on ROS Formation in Rat Cultured Cortical Astrocytes
- Homocarnosinosis patients and great apes have a serum protein that cross-reacts with human serum carnosinase
- Homocarnosinosis: A historical update and findings in the SPG11 gene
- Homocarnosinosis: influence of dietary restriction of histidine
- Inherited disorders of GABA metabolism
- Inherited disorders of GABA metabolism
- Low plasma carnosinase activity promotes carnosinemia after carnosine ingestion in humans
- Neurological disease in a child with carnosinase deficiency
- Pivotal role of carnosine in the modulation of brain cells activity: Multimodal mechanism of action and therapeutic potential in neurodegenerative disorders
- Serum carnosinase deficiency and homocarnosinosis
- Serum-carnosinase deficiency in carnosinaemia