Disease: Bobble-head doll syndrome
- "No-no" type bobble-head doll syndrome in an infant with an arachnoid cyst of the posterior fossa: a case report
- A case of bobble-head doll syndrome associated with psychopathic behaviors
- A neuroanatomical basis for the bobble-head doll syndrome
- A Neuronavigation-Assisted Endoscopic Ventriculocystocisternostomy of a Suprasellar Arachnoid Cyst: A 2D Video Case Presentation
- A special type of head stereotypies in children with developmental (?cerebellar) disorder: description of 8 cases and literature review
- Abnormal head movement in a patient with tuberculous meningitis
- An unusual presentation of bobble-head doll syndrome in a patient with hydranencephaly and Chiari 3 malformation
- Bobble head doll syndrome (BHDS): Case report
- Bobble head doll syndrome in a child with a third ventricular cyst and hydrocephalus
- Bobble head doll syndrome: A rare case report
- Bobble-head doll syndrome
- Bobble-head doll syndrome
- Bobble-head doll syndrome
- Bobble-head doll syndrome
- Bobble-head doll syndrome and drop attacks in a child with a cystic choroid plexus papilloma of the third ventricle. Case report
- Bobble-head doll syndrome associated with Dandy-Walker syndrome. Case report
- Bobble-head doll syndrome associated with subduroperitoneal shunt malfunction
- Bobble-head doll syndrome associated with the III ventricular cyst. Three cases in children 7 years after CVP or CVA shunting
- Bobble-head doll syndrome due to a suprasellar arachnoid cyst: endoscopic treatment in two cases
- Bobble-head doll syndrome due to trapped fourth ventricle and aqueduct
- Bobble-Head Doll Syndrome in a Child with Suprasellar Arachnoid Cyst
- Bobble-head doll syndrome in an 80-year-old man, associated with a giant arachnoid cyst of the lamina quadrigemina, treated with endoscopic ventriculocystocisternotomy and cystoperitoneal shunt
- Bobble-head doll syndrome in an infant with an arachnoid cyst: a case report
- Bobble-head doll syndrome successfully treated with an endoscopic ventriculocystocisternostomy. Case report and review of the literature
- Bobble-head doll syndrome with supra-sellar arachnoid cyst
- Bobble-head doll syndrome: a surgically treatable condition manifested as a rare movement disorder
- Bobble-head doll syndrome: report of 2 cases and a review of the literature, with video documentation of the clinical phenomenon
- Bobble-head doll syndrome: report of a case and review of the literature
- Bobble-head doll syndrome: review of the pathophysiology and CSF dynamics
- Bobble-head doll syndrome: some atypical features with a new lesion and review of the literature
- Bobble-head doll syndrome: therapeutic outcome and long-term follow-up in four children
- Bobble-head doll syndrome. Case report with a review on the different types of abnormal head movements in infancy, and their clinical significance
- Bobbling head in a young subject
- Case of a large basal arachnoid cyst with bobble-head doll syndrome
- CT stereotaxy guided lateral trans-cerebellar programmable fourth ventriculo-peritoneal shunting for symptomatic trapped fourth ventricle
- Endoscopic Laser Fenestration to Treat a Bobble-Head Doll Syndrome Caused by Suprasellar Cyst
- Giant suprasellar arachnoid cyst with head bobbing
- Head bobbing in a patient with a cyst of the third ventricle
- Hydrocephalus and "bobble-head doll" syndrome. A case report
- Hydrocephalus and Bobble-Head Doll Syndrome
- Hypomania in Bobble-Head Doll Syndrome: A Case Report of Surgically Treated Stereotypy and Hypomania
- Idiopathic and structural episodic nonintentional head tremor in dogs: 100 cases (2004-2022)
- Intrasellar arachnoid cyst. A case report and review of the literature
- Navigated laser-assisted endoscopic fenestration of a suprasellar arachnoid cyst in a 2-year-old child with bobble-head doll syndrome. Case report
- Obstructive Hydrocephalus Presenting with Bobble-Head Doll Syndrome
- Optic atrophy in the bobble-head doll syndrome
- Persistent figure-eight and side-to-side head shaking is a marker for rhombencephalosynapsis
- Slow tremor and macrocephaly: expanded version of the bobble-head doll syndrome
- Suprasellar arachnoid cyst presenting with bobble-head doll movements: a report of 3 cases
- Suprasellar arachnoid cyst presenting with bobble-head doll syndrome: Report of three cases
- Suprasellar Cyst Presenting With Bobble-Head Doll Syndrome
- The bobble head doll syndrome
- The bobble-head doll syndrome associated with a cyst in the 3d ventricle
- The bobble-head doll syndrome: a "tic" with a neuropathologic basis
- The bobble-head doll syndrome: an early sign of hydrocephalus. Two new cases and a review of the literature
- The bobble-head doll syndrome: experimental study of anatomic basis
- The bobble-head doll syndrome. A curable entity
- Treatment of bobble-head doll syndrome by transcallosal cystectomy
- Unusual tremor syndromes: know in order to recognise