Disease: Ainhum
- "African" acral keratoderma: Further evidence for a single entity. A retrospective study of 42 patients
- A case of "ainhum": a rare clinical image
- Ainhum
- Ainhum
- Ainhum (dactylolysis spontanea): a rare case from Nepal
- Ainhum, a rare mutilating dermatological disease in a female Cameroonian: a case report
- Ainhum: revisited
- Clinical Characteristics and Gene Mutations in 186 Cases of Kindler Syndrome
- First report of Mal de Meleda with pseudo-ainhum treated with gabapentin in a 17-year-old Chinese girl
- Mal de Meleda Palmoplantar Keratoderma with Pseudoainhum
- Novel p.Ala675Thr missense mutation in TRPV3 in Olmsted syndrome
- Palmoplantar keratoderma, pseudo-ainhum and knuckle pads in an African patient: A case report
- Pseudo ainhum and facial malformation secondary to Streeter's dysplasia
- Pseudo-ainhum in a patient with CREST syndrome
- The Voice of the Lost Toe: Pseudo-Ainhum Beyond Skin
- Unilateral Pseudo-Ainhum in Liver Cirrhosis
- Visual Vignette
- What's the resolutive surgery for pseudo-ainhum in Vohwinkel syndrome? A case report and review of the literature