Disease: Acardia
- A case of acardia
- A contribution to the problem of acardia with special reference to the pathogenesis of "cystic hygroma"
- A Model of Anterograde Oxygenated Lung Blood Flow in Acardia
- A monozygotic twin pregnancy discordant for acardia and X-inactivation pattern
- Acardia acephalus fetus in a twin pregnancy
- Acardia syndrome coexisting with gastroschisis in the co-twin
- Acardia: case report
- Acardia: description of a new case
- Acardia: epidemiologic findings and literature review from the International Clearinghouse for Birth Defects Surveillance and Research
- Acardia: predictive risk factors for the co-twin's survival
- Acardiac amorphous twin with prune belly sequence in the co-twin
- Acardiac anomaly spectrum
- Acardiac anomaly: review of the subject with case report and emphasis on practical sonography
- Acardiac fetus in a triplet pregnancy: ultrasound pitfalls. A case report
- Acardiac malformation: ultrasonographic diagnosis. A case report
- Acardiac twin fetus with severe hydrops fetalis and bilateral talipes varus deformity
- Acardiac twin pregnancies part VI: Why does acardiac twinning occur only in the first trimester?
- Acardiac twin presenting as fetus amorphous with an attenuated umbilical cord
- Acardius (TRAP-sequence) (Twin Reversed Arterial Perfusion)
- Acardius acephalus. Description of a case
- Acardius anceps with evidence of intrauterine vascular occlusion: report of a case and discussion of the pathogenesis
- Acephalus acardia syndrome
- Acephalus acardiac fetus
- Acephalus-acardia in twins with aneuploidy
- An acardiac acephalic monster
- An acardiac acephalic monster following in-utero anti-epileptic drug exposure
- An acardiac twin with advanced development of the brain: a histologic and volumetric study
- An acephalus acardius amorphous fetus in a monochorionic pregnancy with sex discrepancy
- Anesthetic experience of endoscopic umbilical cord ligation in a case of twin pregnancy with acardia
- Antenatal diagnosis of acephalus acardia: a proposed management scheme
- Antenatal ultrasonic evaluation of acardiac monsters
- Cardiac Anomalies in Liveborn and Stillborn Monochorionic Twins
- Cardiovascular physiology of decapod crustaceans: from scientific inquiry to practical applications
- Central nervous system in twin reversed arterial perfusion sequence with special reference to examination of the brain in acardius anceps
- Clinical and anatomic features of acardiac twins
- Congenital anomalies in the offspring of mothers with a bicornuate uterus
- Congenital malformation: dental features of acardia--case report
- Conjoined acardiac monsters
- Cyclopia, aprosencephaly, and acardiac twinning: Is hypoxia-ischemia a unifying mechanism?
- Data on acardia
- Developmental abnormalities in humans
- Early demise of twins in a cohort of stillbirths and second trimester miscarriages
- Enhanced visualization of soft tissues in the study of aborted fetuses through the use of xeroradiography
- Etiology and pathogenesis of acardia
- Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation support in acardia
- Failure of prosencephalic unfolding and neuronal migration in acardia
- Fetal acardia in a twin pregnancy achieved by in vitro fertilization
- Fetal akinesia deformation sequence in a highly developed acardius twin
- Fetal reduction by bipolar cord coagulation in managing complicated monochorionic multiple pregnancies: preliminary experience in China
- First trimester diagnosis of acardiac twins
- First-trimester findings associated with twin reversed arterial perfusion sequence
- From monster to twin reversed arterial perfusion: a history of acardiac twins
- Homeoviscous Properties Implicated by the Interactive Effects of Pressure and Temperature on the Hydrothermal Vent Crab Bythograea thermydron
- How to improve flow during cardiopulmonary bypass in an acardia experimental model
- Human acardiac anomaly: a report of three cases
- Immunologic and endocrinologic considerations apropos of a case of acardia
- Importance of intrauterine diagnosis of rudimentary autonomic circulation in an acardiac twin
- Klinefelter twins presenting with discordant aneuploidies, acardia, forked umbilical cord and with different gonadal sex despite monozygosity
- Labeled lectin studies of renal tubular dysgenesis and renal tubular atrophy of postnatal renal ischemia and end-stage kidney disease
- Ligation of the umbilical cord of an acardiac-acephalus twin with an endoscopic intrauterine technique
- Loss of both GATA4 and GATA6 blocks cardiac myocyte differentiation and results in acardia in mice
- Microdissection study of the myenteric plexus in acardia, ataxia-telangiectasia, cystic fibrosis, extrahepatic biliary atresia, pediatric AIDS and Werdnig-Hoffmann disease
- Monochorionic, diamniotic triplet pregnancy complicated by twin reversed arterial perfusion sequence. Postpartum autopsy of placenta and acardiac fetus
- Morphology, intrafetal vascular pattern, and umbilical artery Doppler indices of acardiac twins
- Multifoetal pregnancies complicated by reversed arterial perfusion: report of four cases
- Muscle abnormalities associated with radial aplasia
- Muscle abnormalities associated with the twin reversed-arterial-perfusion (TRAP) sequence (acardia)
- Neuronal control of the cardiac responses to osmotic stress in the gastropod limpet Patella caerulea
- Neuropathological features of the brain in acardius acormus
- Palladinized graphene oxide-MOF induced coupling of Volmer and Heyrovsky mechanisms, for the amplification of the electrocatalytic efficiency of hydrogen evolution reaction
- Pathology of the placenta. XI. Feto-fetal transfusion syndrome
- Patterns of heart rate and cardiac pausing in unrestrained resting decapod crustaceans
- Placental pathology in trap sequence: clinical and pathogenetic implications
- Placental teratoma: differential diagnosis with fetal acardia
- Poly(3-aminobenzoic acid) Decorated with Cobalt Zeolitic Benzimidazolate Framework for Electrochemical Production of Clean Hydrogen
- Prenatal diagnosis of a human pseudoacardiac anomaly
- Prenatal sonographic diagnosis and management of a twin pregnancy with placenta previa and hemicardia
- Role of twin reversed arterial perfusion syndrome in the development of fetus acardius
- Significance of twin to twin transfusion syndrome in the prognosis of twin pregnancies and its prenatal diagnosis by ultrasonography
- Sirenomelia: an epidemiologic study in a large dataset from the International Clearinghouse of Birth Defects Surveillance and Research, and literature review
- Soybean resilience to drought is supported by partial recovery of photosynthetic traits
- Spontaneous triplet pregnancy and trap sequence, case report
- Syndromes in twins
- Tetrodotoxin prevents copper-induced bradycardia in gastropod limpets
- The acardia syndrome in a term fetus
- The fetus without a heart: the diagnosis and observations using ultrasound. A case history
- The FMRFamide-related peptides F1 and F2 alter hemolymph distribution and cardiac output in the crab Cancer magister
- The problem of acardia
- Treatment of acardiac twinning
- Twin reverse arterial perfusion: Timing of intervention
- Twin Reversed Arterial Perfusion (TRAP) Sequence; Characteristic Gray-Scale and Doppler Ultrasonography Findings
- Twin reversed arterial perfusion (TRAP) syndrome
- Twin reversed arterial perfusion sequence in a triplet natural pregnancy:case report from Korle Bu Teaching Hospital, Accra, Ghana and a review of the literature
- Twins with acardia and anencephaly
- Two cases of acardia and the problem of their genesis
- Ultrasonic diagnosis of malformations during the 1st trimester of pregnancy
- Ultrasonographic prenatal diagnosis of isolated acephaly
- Vascular pathogenesis of limb defects. I. Radial artery anatomy in radial aplasia
- Very rare defects: what can we learn?
- When does death occur in an acardiac twin? Ultrasound diagnostic difficulties