Rett Syndrome Research Trust UK is the only UK based charity exclusively focused on speeding treatments and cures for Rett Syndrome
In 1974, the National Reye’s Syndrome Foundation, a health advocacy organization, was incorporated as a 501(c)3 charity, whose mission is to eradicate the incidence of Reye’s Syndrome.
Santhera is a Swiss specialty pharmaceutical company focusing on the discovery, development and marketing of small molecule products for the treatment of orphan neuromuscular diseases, an area of high unmet medical needs.
Sarcoidosis Association is a voluntary organisation that was created by individuals who suffer the disease at different levels, who are fully aware of the lack of support and awareness within the public and medical profession restricting sufferers ability to obtain the appropriate care and support theyneed to cope with Sarcoidosis. It has been...
The Sarcoma Alliance strives to improve the lives of people affected by sarcoma through accurate diagnosis, improved access to care, guidance, education and support. 775 East Blithedale, #334Mill Valley, CA 94941phone: (415) 381-7236fax: (415) [email protected]
The Sarcoma Foundation of America is a national organization. Because the primary purpose of the SFA is to increase the focus and attention on sarcoma research, there is an emphasis on fundraising for research grants and advocacy activities. However, SFA Ambassadors serve to support the sarcoma community through communications and activities for...