Al Davies, MD, a leading international expert in physiological manifestations and underlying biochemical causes of Mitral Valve Prolapse (MVP) Dysautonomia (known by many names including Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome or POTS) is presenting a seminar June 14-15, 2013 at the JW Marriott Hotel, Houston directed at patients who have or may have MVP Dysautonomia / POTS, and their families.
Who is Affected?
An attorney whose anxiety, heart pounding and lightheadedness interfere with seeing clients or going to court. A CEO whose fatigue, disordered sleep and chest tightness reduce her effectiveness and efficiency. An actress whose fainting spells threaten to end her career. A nurse who ends up in the Emergency Room for chest pain so often people begin to question her motives. A young woman whose fatigue jeopardizes social relationships and employment. Each of them may have seen multiple physicians yet until properly diagnosed, they may feel ashamed, self-conscious and marginalized.
What Makes Them Different?
These patients are supersensitive to their own adrenaline and related hormones. What may make a normal person’s heart rate rise by 10 beats per minute makes these patients’ heart rates rise by 24, with pounding in the chest and an ominous sense of impending doom.
What Do They Need?
First, they need a diagnosis. If it is MVP Dysautonomia they can be relieved that there is a real cause for these symptoms. Then they can get to work doing something about it.
Can They Get Better?
Yes, most patients improve after institution of appropriate interventions that may include dietary changes, medications, balanced exercise/rest and possibly other steps.
How This Seminar May Help
The MVP Dysautonomia / POTS Seminar helps people explore what the illness is, and what it isn’t. Getting clear and correct insight into the illness brings relief and an avenue to controlling symptoms. When someone is formally diagnosed with MVP Dysautonomia they often say, “What a relief! I thought I was crazy. I am happy to know there is a real reason for my symptoms.”
Dr. Al Davies says, “These patients need accurate information, insightful diagnosis and appropriate treatment. There is too much misinformation on the Internet and too little recognition in the medical community. It is time to get reliable information out.”
About Al Davies, MD.
Houston-based Dr. Davies has been at the top of his peers in clinical care for four decades. He has particular expertise in the science of MVP Dysautonomia as well as its clinical diagnosis and management. Dr. Davies described the fundamental physiological pattern that defines the illness, then as a biochemist made fundamental discoveries of the changes in the adrenaline system that cause these patients to be supersensitive.
For more information about MVP Dysautonomia and the Seminar Series, visit
Al Davies
281 752 5994