Sydney, Australia – The 18th World Congress of the International Society of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine (ISPRM) will be a major event in Sydney, running from the 1st – 6th June 2024. It will be held in conjunction with the 7th Annual Meeting of the Rehabilitation Medicine Society of Australia and New Zealand (RMSANZ).
The Congress will be a forum for the presentation of international research, discovery and innovation in rehabilitation medicine. Whilst the major subgroups of clinical endeavour in the field of rehabilitation medicine will be covered; the conference will have a focus on the three “T’s” (trauma, technology and timing).
- Trauma will include motor vehicle accidents, domestic violence and the results of war and natural disasters
- Technology will range from personal devices such as phones to robotics
- Timing will explore topics such as rehabilitation, in-reach services and when rehabilitation should end
The scientific program will include pre-congress practical workshops, plenary sessions and themed sessions with invited speakers and selected free paper presentations. Currently, it is planned for the Congress to be face-to-face with video conferencing from some of the invited speakers.
For further details about the congress, including registration, please click here.
Congress at a glance
Venue: International Convention Centre Sydney – 14 Darling Drive, Sydney, NSW 2000
When: June 01-06, 2024
Phone +61 7 3858 5400