Rare Disease Day 2009

The main objective of Rare Disease Day 2009 is to raise awareness with policy makers and the public of rare diseases and of their impact on patients’ lives.

Thus the aim of the day is to reinforce their importance as:

(i) A public health priority

For more information please download the EURORDIS Princep document.

(ii) The need for Centres of Expertise

For more information please download the Declaration on Centres of Expertise.

Other main objectives of Rare Disease Day are to:

* Raise awareness on rare diseases

* Strengthen one voice of patients

* Give hope and information to patients

* Bring stakeholders closer together

* Coordinate policy actions in different countries

* Inspire continued growth of the awareness of rare diseases

* Get equity in access to care and treatment

Awareness raising events will take place in each participating country. To find out what is happening in your country, go here:
